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Jul 18 13 tweets 2 min read
A study was published on how personality traits relate to life satisfaction.

The no.1 trait of people satisfied with life?

“Having a lot of fun.”

Here’s what else they found: Image These are the top 10 traits that go with LOW life satisfaction:

10. Often bored

9. Avoid responsibilities

8. Often need help
Jul 17 9 tweets 3 min read
She’s blacklisted by the Clintons.

Yet Joe Rogan said she’s the best politician he’s ever seen.

I sat down with Tulsi Gabbard to talk about her time in politics, and what's really going on in America right now.

7 interesting takeaways: Image Leaving the DNC

Tulsi was elected to Hawaii House of Representatives in 2002 as a Democrat. She ran Dem for each position since then.

Until 2022.

I asked if it was hard to leave the party... Her answer:
Jul 13 16 tweets 5 min read
Uncomfortable truth:

You can get rich doing almost anything.

I met a guy who did it with shipping containers. He's now doing $15M/yr.

Here’s how he did it: Image Meet Bob.

He was sick of his software engineer 9-5.

So he saw opportunity where others saw... well, big metal boxes.

He started with a $3,500 shipping container. Sold it for $35k. In 3 weeks.
Jul 2 11 tweets 4 min read
Underrated pricing strategy:

Price Skimming.

• Make back R&D fast
• Scoops up more customers over time
• Maximizes profits from early adopters

7 companies that win with this method: Image First, what IS price skimming?

It's a strategy where you charge a high initial price, then lower it over time.

You snatch up immediate demand at the highest possible price... but you get price-conscious shoppers later too.

Here's how 7 companies price skim:
Jun 27 8 tweets 3 min read
This guy's worth 100s of millions, a hedge fund manager, pro poker player, author...

And one of my favorite humans ever.

Steal these 5 lessons from him on high performance (& low-performing friends): Image 1. Is Your Thinking Too Small?

This is a story from one of the first times I met Bill Perkins.

I'm not exaggerating when I say his words changed my life. They power me daily.

"Has small infected your thinking?"
Jun 26 13 tweets 3 min read
What no one tells you about being a CEO.

1. If you want to be the boss, first be the top performer where you are. Image 2. At the start, CEO is Chief Salesperson. Your entire job is cashflow.

3. Your goal is to build a company that runs better without you.
Jun 25 13 tweets 3 min read
There's a secret rule the really rich follow..

You earn with your skills, not your hours.

Here's one way to start earning with your skills (Expertise to Equity framework): This is how you learn to get a % of a company with your mind.

I call it “Expertise to Equity.”

It’s how the wealthy get wealthier.
Jun 18 18 tweets 5 min read
Look at this guy. 

He went from software entrepreneur to running a garbage business in ~15 days.


Here's exactly how he's doing it: Image Spencer saw an opportunity when his fancy neighborhood was PISSED about their new trash service.

He threw up a post on Facebook as a test.

Were people serious enough about their complaints to switch providers?

That post got 100s of likes & comments.
Jun 15 20 tweets 3 min read
I’m 37.

If you're still in your 20's, read this: 1. As soon as you hit your 30s, you’ll understand... Your 20s actually suck. If you feel like it sucks right now, guess what? It’s supposed to. It gets better.

2. If they’re not interesting when you’re sober, don’t drink until they become it.
Jun 13 9 tweets 3 min read
Rich Roll is a 57-year-old ultra-endurance athlete, top podcaster, & multi-millionaire.

But before that...

He was a lawyer who hated his job, was always broke, & had crippling alcoholism.

5 lessons from him about change (read this if you’re feeling stuck): Image Your Money Mindset Changes Everything

Everything in your life – your parents, addictions, self-talk, happiness, friends – impacts your money.

You can’t change the circumstances you came from. But you CAN change your mindset now.
Jun 12 10 tweets 2 min read
19 lessons on making money (from 15+ years in finance & business) 🧵 Image 1. If you want to make more money, be more useful to people who have more money.

2. The fastest way to make your first million... Go be a crazy CEO's #2.

3. The secret to success, keep grinding until you can't be ignored.
Jun 11 13 tweets 4 min read
Most underrated business model?

Popup stores.

• Highly flexible
• Low upfront costs
• They can go crazy viral

7 companies that win with popups: Goop 

Started from a newsletter by Gwyneth Paltrow. Now a giant worth $250M with 1.8M IG followers.

Their secret weapon? Aesthetic pop-ups that go viral on social.

Peep the London one:
Jun 8 19 tweets 4 min read
I didn't give up a paycheck til I replaced it.
I didn't quit my job until I had a backup.
I didn't jump all in to one thing.

I like ownership, not risk.

If that’s you too, here’s how you can buy a business (with less risk): 1. Don't buy an unprofitable business or turnaround.

Once you're a pro, you can buy the ugly house on the block, fix it up, and flip it.

But when starting out, stick to solid performers & the BASICS.
Jun 6 14 tweets 3 min read
My rules for being a founder 🧵 Image 1. You don’t need to be an expert to start, rent one instead.

2. Never have a “bagel day.” Every day try to sell 1 thing to 1 person.

3. You don’t need a cofounder. You need to be committed.
Jun 5 17 tweets 4 min read
I found a company that’s disrupting a $10B/year industry.

• The market: Pool cleaning
• The target: Fragmented small biz’s
• The plan: Scale them. Big.

Here’s the breakdown: Image If you own a pool, there’s a chance you’re part of that $10B.

There are 11 million pools in the US.

30% of the owners of those pools use a cleaning service.

And the average spent per month: $180

But the weirdest part?
Jun 4 13 tweets 3 min read
“Hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men, and weak men create hard times.” –Michael Hopf

I talked to a Green Beret, UFC fighter, entrepreneur, BJJ black belt for 1 hour.

Some lessons from him: Image I asked @TimKennedyMMA,

“If a young person came to you, what would you tell them to do for the next 30 days to change their life?”

This is what he said: Image
Jun 1 24 tweets 6 min read
Retail is facing a multi-$100B problem:

• Excess inventory is up 23%
• Sales growth is down 5.8%
• Foot traffic is down 2.3% YoY at malls…on Black Friday

But it gets even worse.

Let me explain: This is a list of retailers who've announced closures so far this year alone

Not to mention 100+ major retailers who filed for bankruptcy in the past 4 years.
May 23 17 tweets 3 min read
I had an hour-long conversation with a Harvard professor who wrote a book with Oprah, ran a think tank, and is an expert on the science of happiness.

He's been one of my heroes for years.

10 lessons from him on why we're unhappy: Image His name is Arthur Brooks.

At one point he told me:

“I work a lot with executives. I’m sort of the Striver Whisperer, they come to me for happiness advice.”

But first.. how do you define "happiness"?
May 22 24 tweets 6 min read
Tech is changing the face of investing.

AI. Social Media. Apps. Marketplaces.

But one tool that you haven’t heard of yet? Satellite imaging.

Here’s how it’s changing the investments of tomorrow: Image If you thought “Google Earth” when I said “satellite imaging”…

I’m about to blow your mind.

We invested in this company @SkyfiApp. It makes near real-time, data-rich earth observation available & easy for SMBs and individuals.

Take a look at this example:
May 18 16 tweets 5 min read
We could be seeing the death of the white-collar job.

10 trends that prove the Blue-Collar Wave is happening right now: 1. 56% of Gen Z would rather turn a wrench than type in a spreadsheet.

They see:
• Insane college costs
• Rising pay of blue-collar jobs
• Less stigma on working with your hands

The Wall Street Journal calls them the 'Toolbelt Generation.' It's easy to see why:
May 16 16 tweets 4 min read
70% of people live paycheck to paycheck.

This will not be you and I.

Here's exactly how I manage my personal finances (The Personal P&L): Track Your Money

It all starts here.

This may be the SINGLE most important thing you can do for your finances.

Treat yourself like a business. I use a Personal P&L (profit & loss).

If you aren't tracking, take this sheet now: