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Advisor to Monterey County Sheriff Scott Miller 2010-2014.

May 4, 2021, 6 tweets

The most covered-"up" story by the ⁦@mcweekly⁩, owned by @bradleyzeve.

This is about marijuana, licensing, the @CityofSalinas and @wendyrootaskew's County of Monterey. Public officials who have been receiving cash (and drugs) for legislative favors.



The paid press talking about @RobBonta buddy @SupervisorAlejo or former Salinas Mayor @CASenCaballero being a subject of interest in an ongoing @FBI probe into bribery and corruption, involving marijuana interests.

This seems like a problem for @GavinNewsom too. @cmarinucci


Fast forward a couple months after this message and it was learned that it was ALSO @SupervisorAlejo "allegedly" taking bribes from marijuana interests in Monterey County.

@GavinNewsom's new Attorney General @RobBonta is particularly good friends with Louie Alejo.


And @SalinasPD's buddy @kimbleycraig is extraordinarily aware the @FBI came looking for several "politically connected" people working with "cash money" from "marijuana interests" in Monterey County - she told @mcweekly reporter @maryrduan about it in 2019.


For those interested in California state politics the name Fickas is a man who was charged and convicted in January 2021 of multiple counts of rape. Fickas was a political consultant who now claims he was railroaded into a plea agreement by his then public defender.


@GavinNewsom appointed his public defender, Jennifer Davenport, a judgeship in Monterey County shortly after the "rigging" took place.

@JenSiebelNewsom @cmarinucci @philmatier

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