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May 4, 2021, 7 tweets

Prob a good time to flag that Christopher Nolan planted 500 real acres of corn for “Interstellar” instead of using CGI.

He dropped $100k on the crop and sold for a profit after filming:

Where did he plant? The only land he could find was outside of Alberta 🇨🇦

Best part: he asked Zack Snyder for advice...because they had corn fields in “Man of Steel”

Having said that, Nolan planted at the last time corn peaked at $6 a bushel.

He called the top like a total knob:

God these motherf**clears love corn.

Here’s Matt Mcconaughey destroying about $150m worth of it:

Honestly, if I still have to convince you to follow @TrungTPhan .. i give up

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