Jonathan Mesiano-Crookston's translucent form Profile picture
This place is propaganda and disinfo. Here to repost old information. #COVIDisAirborne 🌬️🔅-wear N95 pic: P Smith. Made w typewriter. Had c palsy

May 4, 2021, 9 tweets

Railing against government and vaccinations ain't new.

From 1893.

Per this fellow, smallpox vaccine was a lie. Promised 100% protection, but people still caught it!

Per him, it was just a big set-up by the rich! Big Pox, he'd likely have called it, if today.

Per him, everyone interested in vaccines got paid. It was all about the pounds.

Per him, The Times was full of lies.

Per him, death certificates had been faked. (Shout out Florida!)

In response, pointed out to him that medicine stood to gain more letting the epidemic run than selling vaccines

[ed. interesting argument, that]

Response continues with a series of statistics showing smallpox death 2000/1,000,000 dropped to 80 or so / 1M after vaccination if strictly enforced.

And then, this

**absolutely brilliant gem**

that small-pox in the air.

Anyway I have things to do but you see, the wheel turns, and everything old is new again.

From 1893.…

(That was actually just me cleaning browser bookmarks, and I clicked a link. Enjoy your day!)

Virus is in the air and moves like smoke.


Stay safe.

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