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Author, consultant, motivational speaker. Biggest social media slut in mobile. A mAd vidiot, F1 fan, globetrotting digital gypsy 007 wannabe. The T Dawg

May 5, 2021, 15 tweets

Giuliani Evidence thread 1/

Let's talk a bit about Rudy Colludy's evidence problem. So the FBI raided his office (extremely rare) and obviously they had gotten a warrant from a judge to do that. What did they achieve? Let's speculate a little bit.

Giuliani Evidence thread 2/

To be clear. Rudy Giuliani himself knows he is totally guilty and utterly f*cked. He had begged Trump for a pardon and did it openly, that was how desperate Buttdial McRudypants was already last year, BEFORE January 6 riots

Giuliani Evidence thread 3/

Feds raided the Ghouliani's home and office. They had a warrant which allowed them also to seize nearly a dozen electronic devices. NOW the SDNY has NOT reviewed ANY of the devices, but have asked a judge to appoint a specialist to first vet devices

Giuliani Evidence thread 4/

So just like in the Michael Cohen case, the feds first want to eliminate any evidence that falls under 'client-attorney privilege' and is thus inadmissible in court. The feds do not even want to SEE it. Why? Because they HAVE ALL THEY NEED

Giuliani Evidence thread 5/

We know from Lev Parnas that he turned states's evidence and handed over a treasure trove of evidence against Giuliani, including photographs, videos and messaging traffic. Giuliani is screwed on this evidence alone. BUT the FBI raid makes it worse

Giuliani Evidence thread 6/

For any evidence that the SDNY had via Lev Parnas, which they now find from Giuliani, they can 'skip' the Lev Parnas part - where Rudy's lawyers can try to claim Lev is untrustworthy etc. Some of Lev's evidence WILL BE preserved with Giuliani's files.

Giuliani Evidence thread 7/

So for any evidence the feds had via Lev Parnas, that Giuliani had not destroyed, will make the Giuliani trial SHORTER, but the end result will be the same.

Now, SOME of Giuliani evidence is MOST DEFINITELY destroyed. Why? Because Rudy KNEW

Giuliani Evidence thread 8/

The SDNY was ready to prosecute Giuliani LAST SUMMER (2020). Bill Barr blocked the raid then. Barr definitely will have told Trump what a great job Barr was doing, loyally protecting Trump. So Trump knew. And Trump of course then told his boy, Rudy

Giuliani Evidence thread 9/

So Giuliani knew at the LATEST late last summer, that he is the TARGET of a federal investigation about the Ukraine meddling. And Giuliani was confident, Trump will be pardoning him anyway, so of course Giuliani destroyed evidence back then.

Giuliani Evidence thread 10/

If Giuliani has destroyed ANY evidence about the activity relating to Ukraine - that the feds DO have, via Lev Parnas (or other sources), it serves as EVIDENCE OF GUILT. That Rudy did this KNOWINGLY and deliberately. That establishes his motive

Giuliani Evidence thread 11/

After Lev Parnas and Igor Fruman were arrested, and at least Lev flipped, of course Lev cannot get to NEW evidence about Rudy

It leads us to the even more devastating news of past days. There have been TWO current witnesses INSIDE Giuliani's orbit

Giuliani Evidence thread 12/

So two people close to Giuliani have provide the feds with NEW evidence against Rudy, SINCE Lev Parnas was arrested. And Giuliani has been a very very guilty boy in the past year or so. There is a TON of NEW criming, to add on top of Ukraine scandal.

Giuliani Evidence thread 13/

Like with Michael Cohen, because SDNY has requested a judge to appoint a special expert to review all seized materials, and weed out any that are inadmissible due to client-attorney privilege, this process will take WEEKS. have patience

Giuliani Evidence thread 14/

After the SDNY receives the 'cleaned' evidence from the Court-appointed specialist, only after that will the proper evaluation of this evidence even commence. It will take weeks more. BUT Giuliani will be arrested. This summer

Giuliani Evidence thread 15/

Remember, client-attorney privilege does NOT protect against any crimes that the attorney is involved in. And remember, the FEDs ARE entitled to discover evidence of ANY OTHER CRIMES that existed in same location, found during a search under warrant

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