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May 5, 2021, 13 tweets

10 Highly Underrated Books About Money & Investing

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1/ 100 Baggers by @chriswmayer

This book studies the best-performing stocks of all time and gives lessons for how to find the next ones

2/ Beyond Wealth by Alexander Green

A collection of life lessons by Alexander Green, who is a former money manager that gave up HUGE money to live a better life

This is the book that I re-read the most

3/ The Education of Millionaires by Michael Ellsberg

This is like "Rich Dad, Poor Dad", but with FAR more details. A superb read with tons of practical advice.

4/ The Emotionally Intelligent Investor by Ravee Mehta

If your behavior is wrong, what you invest in won't matter.

Ravee breaks down how to make sure you get your investing behavior right.

5/ Investing for Growth By Terry Smith

A collection of Terry Smith's letter to investors. Terry is a wonderful investor with a terrific track record. He buys high quality companies and then does nothing.

6/ The Joys of Compounding by @Gautam__Baid

A book about "value investing" that also touches on self-learning and business wisdom.

7/ The Millionaire Fastlane by MJ Demarco

A book filled with practical advice for how to speed up wealth creation

8/ The One Page Financial Plan by @behaviorgap

I love it when books take a complicated subject and makes it simple. This book does just that with money & financial planning.

9/ Only The Best Will Do by Peter Seilern

I'd never heard of Seilern before, but he also invests for high-quality growth like Terry Smith. This book is all about why you should find & invest in the best businesses you can and ignore everything else.

10/ Warren Buffett & The Interpretation Of Financial Statements by Mary Buffett

Want to learn accounting? This book is fantastic! It goes line by line through financial statements and shows you how Warren Buffett thinks of them

If you want a list of other great books that are more mainstream, here are the top 15 books that changed my financial life:

If you are curious about the book that I'm writing, all the details that have been released thus far can be found here:

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