Oliver Willis Profile picture
Senior Writer @AmerIndependent. Prev @mmfa. Subscribe to https://t.co/mJMG4RqbZB

May 5, 2021, 8 tweets

if they really go through with making superman black, 1) it better be a really good movie 2) im so here for the absolute coming meltdown of having *the* most iconic superhero being a black man. HERE. FOR. IT. hollywoodreporter.com/movies/movie-n…

me, when superman is black:

"yes hes a fictional hero from an imaginary planet with made-up powers and a secret identity that doesn't really make much sense but HE CAN'T BE BLACKKKKKK"

every black nerd when superman is black

there is canonical precedent for a black superman, but even clark kent can be black. there's no reason he can't be. superman.fandom.com/wiki/Calvin_El…

me, when someone says theyre casting a black superman

"you think the cape is your ally? you merely adopted the cape. i was born in it, molded by it."

my dogs, C.K. (rip) and Kal-El. i don't come to this superman stuff lightly.

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