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Misfit | Not on gov time or tax payers $. As of November 19th 2022, I am Still blocked by Donald J Trump, since 2018. salty asshole

May 5, 2021, 7 tweets

Brian Kilmeade is trending because he was a dick to a 6th grader.
Let me show you when Brian Kilmeade hit a 2 year old in the face with a basketball and made him cry

brian kilmeade also defended the children separation policy at the border because these kids are not as important as "our" kids in Idaho or texas.

also Bruan Kilmead to a Nicaraguan: "You Grew Up On Tacos, Correct?"

Brian Kilmead also said We dont need to go over the 500K covid death toll because it is stupid

Brian kilmead also said the minimum wage should not be a living wage

Brian kilmead also suggested women trying a case should use their " assets with is a great body and a great figure"

Brian kilmead also asked his African American cohost if she makes Koolaid

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