Oliver Willis Profile picture
Senior Writer @AmerIndependent. Prev @mmfa. Subscribe to https://t.co/mJMG4RqbZB

May 5, 2021, 7 tweets

does he stand for truth? justice? then #BlackSuperman is superman. because those are the only key tenets required to be superman.

doomed planet?
sent to earth from a galaxy far away?
faster than a speeding bullet?
more powerful than a locomotive?
that is superman.

if you're upset that superman is black, then you are not a real superman fan. you don't get it. you don't understand him and what he stands for. because that is the core of superman. #BlackSuperman

why is superman?

does he fly?
does he have powers beyond those of mortal men?
does he stand up for the weak and powerless?
that is superman, no matter what his skin color is.

(also a cape. and heat vision. and super breath, gotta have super breath.)

(also ill be upset if they dont have the cape and the underwear on the outside, like the lords siegel and shuster intended)

the lack of super-undies was a mistake in the cavill superman

also i dont need some bs explanation for why the clark kent disguise works. just assert that IT WORKS OKAY?

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