Urgent India Covid19 Appeal Profile picture
Working directly & transparently with a small Dalit run NGO in Vijayawada, India. Currently appealing for funds to help slum dwellers & remote villagers.

May 5, 2021, 6 tweets

#IndiaCovidCrisis #LatestNews

‘Infected people are going out as normal. Helping the spread. They aren’t quarantining because they don’t have additional rooms in their homes.’

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#IndiaCovidCrisis #LatestNews
‘Some affected people are neglecting coughing and fever symptoms, not visiting hospital until very serious. Then go to hospital. But no beds or oxygen in the hospitals.’

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#India #LatestNews

‘There is no awareness of how to take precautions about the #coronavirus in the rural villages.’

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#India #LatestNews

‘The government was taken by surprise; they didn’t expect the seriousness coming from virus spread in this second wave.’

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#India #LatestNews

‘The number of cases in cities and rural villages are increasingly daily’.

‘I think government are not showing cases perfectly.’

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#India #LatestNews

‘Those infected by Covid-19 can’t afford healthy food because they are poor.’

Donate to provide food in the slum areas, given out by volunteers.


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