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May 5, 2021, 11 tweets

Boris Nikolic, who tried to set up a biotech investment fund with Jeffrey Epstein, Bill Gates & JPMorgan, is now working with Moderna co-founder Robert Langer to build a "medical record embedding vaccination information into the skin"

Nikolic & Langer co-founded 'Particles For Humanity' which is developing these skin-embedded vaccine records. PFH received initial funds from Bill Gates & sought investment from JP Morgan in 2019. Epstein signed Nikolic into his will days before his death.

Here is the full 'confidential' presentation Particles For Humanity gave to JP Morgan in Jan 2019 describing their development of "Single injection vaccines for full immunization" and "Vaccination tracking system for high coverage"

Epstein, Nikolic & Jes Staley were setting up an investment fund to work with 'Global Health Investment Fund' cofounded by Gates & JP Morgan.

GHIF scientific advisory board has executives from Pfizer, Merck & director of Operation Warp Speed Moncef Slaoui

JP Morgan was one of the first companies to invest in Moderna, and has featured Moderna at their annual Health Conference since 2014. 33-year JP Morgan investment banker Stephen Berenson joined Moderna's board of directors in 2017.

Moderna co-founder Robert Langer was the scientist who designed the vaccination record 'quantum dot' implant using luciferase enzymes with funding from Bill Gates at MIT, where Jeffrey Epstein allegedly directed $2 million of donations from Gates.

In addition to creating a "Vaccination Tracking System", Nikolic & Langer's Particles For Humanity is building "Single Injection Vaccines" which contain multiple vaccine doses that gradually disperse as the polymer capsule degrades within the body.

Multi-dose, time-released vaccines were developed by Moderna co-founder Robert Langer & PFH board member Ana Jaklenec at MIT "as part of a project funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation" focused on inoculating infants in developing countries.

Moderna co-founder Robert Langer also designed a "Remote Controlled Contraceptive Implant" after Bill Gates visited MIT & suggested the idea to Langer. This device allows doctors to remotely sterilize a woman for up to 16 years after being implanted.

Moderna co-founder / MIT Advisory Council member Robert Langer publicly defended Joi Ito after it was revealed that Ito accepted & concealed millions in donations from convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein to MIT Media Lab.

Jeffrey Epstein reportedly advised Boris Nikolic regarding a $120M investment from Gates-backed firm Bng0 to Editas Medicine, which was co-founded by geneticist George Church, who visited Epstein's island & attended meetings with Epstein at Harvard.

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