Andrew Stroehlein Profile picture
No longer active on X. Find me here: European Media & Editorial Director, Human Rights Watch.

May 6, 2021, 10 tweets

People around the world facing the devastation of the Covid-19 pandemic have reason to feel more hopeful today.

The US has announced support for waiving intellectual property rules on vaccines until widespread vaccination is in place globally.…

The Biden Administration’s promise to “actively participate” in negotiations on the #TRIPSwaiver is worth celebrating.

It could be a breakthrough for human rights.

Advocates and organizations around the world have worked hard for this.

The Biden administration has put itself on the right side of history.

Australia has now also flipped, happily.

Now we wait to see if the other opposing governments, like the UK, Japan, and the EU, will too.

Nearly every morning for the past 2 months, I've been tweeting the same map showing a group of mostly rich governments blocking wider vaccine production globally...

Now that group is collapsing, and the map is changing quickly...

And the EU is looking increasingly isolated...

The US has flipped to the right side of history:…

Australia too:…

Hello, EU? UK? Norway? Switzerland? Just waiting for you too now...

Time for you to also understand that a global pandemic requires global solutions.

👉 For me, this is really the most hopeful news since this horrific global pandemic began. It's even bigger than the (publicly funded) development of the vaccines - because this now means people around the world may actually get the vaccines, and jabs won't be limited to the few.

New Zealand is in now too, declaring support for the effort to waive Covid-19 vaccine patents:

Updated map.

Waiting for the @EU_commission to catch up with the news and join the now overwhelming global support for the #TRIPSwaiver...

Dominos indeed!

OK, I'm not changing the map just yet. Here's the exact quote via Reuters...

A small movement in the right direction, but clearly, the EU is still not getting it.

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