Dr Raul Pacheco-Vega Profile picture
Professor @FlacsoMx, water, waste, public policy, environmental politics, mixed/experimental methods #ScholarSunday founder. Coffee lover. SNI 2 @iheal_creda VP

May 6, 2021, 5 tweets

Dr. Sam Ladner, @sladner author of "Mixed Methods: A Short Guide to Applied Mixed Methods Research" is joining my Mixed Methods PhD seminar as the inaugural guest speaker. So grateful.

I assign her book in both my Masters and PhD courses.

Mixing methods implies mixing philosophies, paradigms, ontologies and epistemologies - @sladner

We come from different ontologies and epistemologies, but we can still find ways to mix them. It is not easy, though.

-- @sladner

There are several reasons why we want to use Mixed Methods. Sometimes, to complement where you have no data, or little data, or no access. -- @sladner

I love, love, love when my guest speakers speak Research Design.

It's such a fundamental component of the research process and one that is often undervalued.

Thank you, @sladner

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