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Politico calls me a “Conservative firebrand”

May 6, 2021, 25 tweets

I’m currently reporting an app to Apple from their App Store that marks itself as for children ages 4+ but that advertises pornographic content to children, a grooming app.

But hey, they removed Parler so y’all safe.

Ages 4+

The company that made this app makes many kid apps. I’m horrified. WTF is going on.

I downloaded this to my iPad to see again what I saw on my kid’s iPad. It would have been one of the ads for one of their other games that showed the undressing woman. Ill try to screen grab it if I see it.

Kids are forced to watch ads for their other games to accumulate enough points to continue playing the game.

One of the ads.

Another ad

And another


I have to keep playing to see these ads and I’m done for the day. If someone else gets the shirt removal ad, please screen shot it and add it to this thread.

Another ad for 4 year olds

Another ad for 4 year olds.

And another ad for age 4+

The ads for kids get progressively worse are you keep playing.

The ad of the cartoon woman exposing her breasts that I saw on my kid’s iPad was worse than all of these. I’ll keep playing until I find it to show you.

More ads for kids.

I’m starting to look for parents who have reported seeing what I saw. I found this.…

This was 2017: “He told us about the shocking ad he saw while his 5-year-old son was playing an age-appropriate turtle game last year.
“When I first saw the first image that he was looking at, it was actually two adult women that were completely naked,” George said.

Apple is well aware this is happening.

The app is hiding the reviews parents wrote about the pornographic ad content. My review is hidden, along with many others.

This age 4+ ad said “Come play with me” on the first screen.

People are asking me why I let a 4 year old kid play video games. My kid is 8 and I didn't let her. Hubby explained that American kids always play video games and my European strictness will make her weird. So I acquiesced.

Of course now there are no vid games except for Tetris.

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