Josh Wolfe Profile picture
Co-Founder @Lux_Capital | Trustee @SfiScience Santa Fe Inst | Chair @CiPrep Coney Island Prep (Brooklyn) | Co-Founder of Carson, Quinn & Bodhi w/ @ltwolfe

May 7, 2021, 8 tweets

1/ Take my money—DOUBLE it✌️

EVERY $1 you help K-12 scholars at Coney Island Prep @CiPrep—i will MATCH
up to $25,000

$100=scholar's family gets free WiFi access

Watch PART 1 of my interview with amazing school head Leslie-Bernard Joseph

2/ PART 2 📺: On difficult choices and challenging decisions w school head Leslie-Bernard Joseph

<Take my money—DOUBLE it✌️
EVERY $1 you help K-12 scholars at Coney Island Prep @CiPrep—i will MATCH
up to $25,000>

3/ PART 3 📺: On the speed+ magnitude of investment decision making —and of the resilience and adaptability...

...especially of kids.

4/ PART 4 📺: On how chips on shoulders put chips in failure comes from a failure to imagine failure. And how we take for granted the abundance of tech around us.

PS I will match every $1 up to $25,000 for K-12 scholars in need @CiPrep

5/ PART 5 📺: On where the breakthroughs of the future will come from. And what young scholars ought study...

6/ PART 6 📺: on TECHNOLOGY as a language we all have to learn.

And on knowing how to parent my current 11, 8 + 5 year olds. And having NO advice or idea for a 12 yr old—yet.

<PS I match every $1 up to $25,000 K-12 scholars in need at Coney Island Prep>

7/ PART 7 📺: On those powerful predictive valuable words "it will rot your brain

"...on "believing before others understand"

especially of the doubted or UNDERDOG.

8/ FINAL clip 📺: Coney Island Prep head Leslie-Bernard Joseph recounts "Joshisms"

and the virtue + symbolism of
-skateboards 🛹
-hiphop 🎛🎧🎤

<I am matching every $1 up to $25,000 for K-12 scholars in need at Coney Island Prep @CiPrep>

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