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Nation First 🇮🇳

May 7, 2021, 8 tweets


I've read many articles where KEJRIWAL g have promised giving so and so buses every year. So I Filed an RTI seeking the year wise comparison of no. of buses running on road. The result was shocking expectedly.

Let's look at his promises now


Promised 4000 plus buses in 2015


Promised 2000 more buses by mid of 2016


2000 new buses within a year - 2017


1000 electric buses promised in 2018


Flagged 25 buses, and promised 3000 more buses in year 2019


Last but not the least, Promised 11,000 buses in 2020.


It's quite evident that what is being advertised is surely not what is being delivered as well.

Moreover, here is an article from 2019 which predicted the extreme downfall in the number of buses in coming years. And the same feels turning true.…


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