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May 7, 2021, 9 tweets

1. Sars-CoV-2, aux origines du mal (now available)
By @BricePerrier
A plethora of references to the work of #DRASTIQUE
Please RT especially to French Friends…
208 Pages 17,00 €
ISBN : 978-2-410-02415-9
Impression: Noir et blanc

2. Limited Preview
Title Page, Table of Contents and Preface by @DecrolyE

3. Mentions of DRASTIC and Individual Team Members abound.

4. Mentions of DRASTIC and Individual Team Members abound (2)

5. Mentions of DRASTIC and Individual Team Members abound (3)

6. Mentions of DRASTIC and Individual Team Members abound (4)

7. Mentions of DRASTIC and Individual Team Members abound (5)

8. le Singe est partout!

9. le singe qui est partout et DRASTIQUE vous remercie @BricePerrier

The book is not just about us but covers a wide range of questions with some truly fascinating insights

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