Billy Bostickson 🏴👁&👁 🆓 Profile picture
Billy Bostickson is your Friend PR Secretary Rage University Coordinator of DRASTIC at

May 7, 2021, 9 tweets

1. Confessions of a Monkey buried alive on Twitter
....for 15 months
I juggle a lot of information lately, sometimes 3000 tabs open in 30 windows, with frequent memory crashes as C drive fills up with data.

2. Please don't suggest "One Tab", I used that once and it completely trashed my tabs, that is for light weights.

3. I don't think anyone actually realises the time I dedicate to this investigation, 17 hours a day non-stop for 15 months with no breaks, OK, maybe 2 hours for a walk and swim.

4. so, Twitter messages, twitter timeline, research papers, researchgate, three different emails, slack space, coordinating 10 different working groups, PR work, contacting journalists, logging media mentions
I could go on....

5. My brain is working at 99% capacity fuelled by nicotine and caffeine, unfortunately I can't be using amphetamines like Jack Kerouac these days ;)

6. eventually by sunrise I am nearly unconscious so when my head hits the keyboard, time for some sleep.

I am usually pretty accurate with everything but sometimes I slip up, very rarely.

7. Then it's Dream Time - Vampire Sunrise Lockdown

8. I'm Loving it!

9. All for a worthy cause

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