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May 7, 2021, 15 tweets

GUJ MLA @jigneshmevani80 doing aggressive crowdfunding (goal=Rs60L) for covid facilities at his constituency via his "foundation” (he describes as) named ‘WE THE PEOPLE TRUST’. Before contributing, we noticed some questionable discrepancies (read fishy) in the campaign.


1. He appeals global donors at gocrowdera through (a) SetuCSKA NGO (asso. partner) as “REGORG” (registered org), well registered at FCRA too. All good.
2. For local donors (b) ‘WE THE PEOPLE TRUST’ as “SELF” Beneficiary Type, has collected sum of Rs.19L so far.

3. Since NO details (eg. website, addrs, reg. no., where its reg.) of Mevani’s WE THE PEOPLE mentioned at gocrowdera or YT video description, we tried to find it ourselves.
4. Digging around we found that ambiguous Foundation (OR Trust??) seems to have NOT registered anywhr.

[It is mandatory for a Trust to get the reg. under Indian Trusts Act, 1882 & I-T Act, 1961 Sec 12AB]
Besides public domain (like SM, will come later on that), we verified at MCA, GUJ Charity Comm 'Trust Directory' website & DARPAN (maintained by Niti Ayog) too, but no luck.

5. YT vid description provides a SBI, AHMD, GUJ bank account in the name of ‘WE THE PEOPLE CHARITABLE TRUST’ , however, registration details don’t appear anywhere on public domain or govt websites.

6. At DARPAN website one WE THE PEOPLE FOUNDATION. found which is registered at Delhi but their logo, bank a/c (at Delhi), founder etc are different & website doesn’t mention any campaign & that's enough to establish this is not Mevani’s one.

7. Another website of one ‘WE THE PEOPLE FOUNDATION’ Addr & bank a/c at MAH has their official website (different logo, & no mention of this campaign).
8. On FB we found a ‘WE THE PEOPLE CHARITABLE TRUST’ page that belongs to some enthusiast kids at Ranchi.

9. Worth noticing, at donation request note is factually INCORRECT says 2L ppl died due to lack of Bed & Oxygen.
10. They intend to buy 15 Oxy-Con @ Rs1.2L, which seems too high as product costing 50-70K & a MLA capacity can definitely negotiate a better quote.

11. Mevani requested film producer & philanthropist @ManMundra too whr he promised to deliver 10 Oxy-Con already.
12. Interestingly, WIRE/CARAVAN writer @nehadixit123 appeals to NRI to do NOT donate at Sewa Int NGO associated with @RSSorg instead use this (Mevani’s) one.

13. @TheOfficialSBI @NITIAayog may like to check said 'TRUST' reg. details & sanity of KYC docs.
14. On inquiry with gocrowdera, they said the requester sometimes uses different names (one orig & one for projection purpose!!!). However, on record legitimacy is questionable.

Considering ambiguities on a/c of a public office bearer @jigneshmevani80 must clarify-
(A) It's not misleading catchy names & incorrect info to attract donations?
(B) Why 3 diff names We..PPL FOUNDATION, We..PPL TRUST & We..PPL CHARITABLE TRUST used at diff places?

(C) Where this Trust is registered? What’s reg. no. as per TRUST & I-T Act, cert?
(D) Why beneficiary type “SELF” instead of “REGORG or NGO” on crowdera pg?
(E) Why NO details of NGO at crowdera, YT, Twitter or anywhere?
(F) Why don't share procurement details (if any)

We believe when the ppl of integrity like @anuragkashyap72 @prakashraaj @ReallySwara @taapsee are endorsing this campaign, better transparency will only boost donors' confidence.



~Thread work done in collaboration with @vsw1703 at our personal capacity & curiosity~

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