Scott MacFarlane Profile picture
CBS News Congressional Correspondent -- Syracuse Univ Alum -- 90's R&B superfan

May 7, 2021, 7 tweets


All hell broke loose during the virtual court appearance of US Capitol Insurrection defendant Landon Copeland.

A court released transcript shows how vulgar and disjointed the hearing became for this defendant from Utah, whose accused of assaulting police ==>

Copeland was screaming "objection" during the hearings of *other* defendants, including when prosecutors referenced Trump and FOX News.

Eventually, he promised to keep his "mouth shut"

Soon after, things began spiraling out of control. Copeland began yelling at judge. Wanted postponement, cited his military service... said "You owe this to me"

Then... screaming again.... he called the court "a robot" and said the court couldn't get to him in rural Utah, if he wanted to stop them

Yes he was --- and remains -- free from jail

Then the vulgarities started. Directed at the judge!

Court tried to mute him, but Copeland kept unmuting himself

Prosecutors allege Copeland has made troubling social media posts and messages, including references to "bombing" and honoring Ashli Babbitt

Judge scheduled another hearing later this Spring. And transcript says judge will decide at that hearing, whether to change Copeland's release conditions.

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