Andrew Stroehlein Profile picture
No longer active on X. Find me here: European Media & Editorial Director, Human Rights Watch.

May 9, 2021, 7 tweets

Happy #EuropeDay, celebrating the historic, radical experiment to promote peace through economic and political integration based on democracy and human rights.…

It’s a shame that current EU leaders are undermining our founding principles these days...

The EU & its member states did nothing as a dictatorship emerged in Hungary.

In fact, the largest political group in Europe, the European People's Party, actively supported it for years.

The EU is now no longer a bloc of exclusively democratic states…

EU member Poland is not far behind Hungary, either, sinking ever further into authoritarianism along the Hungarian model...…

And because the EU failed to address authoritarian rule in its own member states, EU foreign policy can't fight effectively for democracy globally.

When it comes to refugees, the EU & member states' appalling record of human rights abuses is now infamous.

It's a vicious, daily insult to the EU's founding principles...………

And the EU's pharma-profits-first approach to the global pandemic, blocking wider production of vaccines globally by obstructing the #TRIPSwaiver at the WTO, is prolonging the pandemic - an inhumane policy that's an affront to the EU's founding principles…

From the ashes of world war, united Europe was a promise of something new: peace & security through democracy & human rights.

🇪🇺 Happy #EuropeDay2021 to everyone who shares these, our most treasured values.

Sadly, many of our current European leaders do not.

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