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Have been contemplating online retirement for a while, just waiting for a few predictions to pan out. Looking forward to days of fishing and relaxing.

May 9, 2021, 11 tweets

@haydentiff @NitrousDelivery @BennettTomlin So the fake unlicensed Gambian entity was the first Euro EXIM "group company" it would have been setup (and sold) as turn key "shelf company" - Gambian incorporated with banking license and #probanx banking software (more than half these fake Gambian companies

@haydentiff @NitrousDelivery @BennettTomlin not only turned out to be fake/unlicensed companies that #probank provided banking software for but Probanx were the facilitators of registering the domains/branding etc. >>> here's the list

@haydentiff @NitrousDelivery @BennettTomlin So as you can see from the certificate the company was incorporated in Feb 2015 and the certificate showing the acquirers name is 8 May 2015. This date's important.

@haydentiff @NitrousDelivery @BennettTomlin See back in 2014 Thakrar took control of "Galaxy" dormant UK shelf company. Then on 17 Apr 2015 he changed the name to Euro Exim Bank Limited to align the 'branding' with the Gambian company he was acquiring.

@haydentiff @NitrousDelivery @BennettTomlin Obviously sometime subsequent he would have had the epiphany that he was peddling an unregistered company/unlicensed bank (although it was one of 7 that had a dodgy SWIFT code for a while) and somewhere between 2017-2019 (I can't remember exactly) an entity of the same name was

@haydentiff @NitrousDelivery @BennettTomlin established in St Lucia (another shady offshore jurisdiction). Its really important to put perspective on the size/quality of these 'groups'....they are 'pissant' little shitboxes pretending to be bonefide financial institutions. Talking 'hundreds of thousands' pounds/dollars

@haydentiff @NitrousDelivery @BennettTomlin turnover NOT tens or hundreds of millions.... - they have a flimsy license from a tiny offshore rathole and have no banking license in the UK (where they operate from) instead attempt to legitimise their UK ops "representative office' (which is bullshit)

@haydentiff @NitrousDelivery @BennettTomlin In 2019 when these muppets were being marketed as the first bank to adopt xRapid. They had a massive 300k in shareholder capital and were so small they only had to file micro accounts (balance sheet no P&L)

@haydentiff @NitrousDelivery @BennettTomlin In 2019 it looks like they made a massive 20k profit....

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