Fahad Ansari 🇵🇸 (Stop the Gaza genocide) Profile picture
Lawyer, Writer, Activist, Tea Lover - From the River to the Sea, 🇵🇸 will be Free, Views are my own.

May 9, 2021, 10 tweets

A thread on how the @BBCNews has deliberately propagated lies about the situation in Jerusalem.

Describing it as “clashes” belies the reality of this being a military assault by a powerful army on unarmed worshippers in a mosque during Ramadan.


Note how the Palestinians are described as initiating the violence to which the Israeli soldiers “responded”. Another lie. No question about why the soldiers were there in the first place on the holiest night of the year for Muslims.

A note on rubber bullets: they are metal bullets coated in rubber. A 2017 analysis published in the British Medical Journal found that 15% of people who were injured by rubber bullets were left with permanent disabilities and 3% of those who were injured died.

Absolutely zero context about the evictions: armed Jewish colonial settlers, supported by the Israeli state, have forced Palestinian families from their homes and stolen their properties. BBC has had absolutely no coverage about this.

“Skirmishes” is a term usually used to describe fighting between armies or military forces, not an army using stun grenades and bullets and unarmed people praying in a mosque.

Sounds like these huge numbers of Muslims became enraged after praying all night and couldn’t think of anything better to do than follow it up with some good old fashioned violence against the Jewish minority.

Palestinians were kindly asked not to attend the mosque but insisted, that led to unprovoked violence which was clearly the Palestinians fault as they were the ones who were arrested.

Excellent! Of the tens of thousands of Palestinians who were present, we managed to find someone who used the word “clashes” to corroborate our twisted narrative.

Oh yeah and would be good to have mentioned that Sunday night is also the start of Jerusalem Day, a national holiday in which Israel celebrates its illegal annexation of East Jerusalem and religious nationalists hold parades and other celebrations in the city.

Imagine the uproar if the BBC and others had described the ISIS ethnic cleansing of the Yazidis as “clashes”, “skirmishes”, or a “private real-estate dispute” where “both sides” needed to “exercise restraint”.


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