The Dirty Truth (Josh) Profile picture
I Watch the news and post important clips to keep followers updated. Things maybe spelled crazy but my hands don’t work and I use Siri to type.

May 9, 2021, 5 tweets

.@SenRonJohnson tells @MariaBartiromo he agrees with Senator @RandPaul. Dr. Fauci needs to explain why they was funding gain of function and why was he cooperating with Wuhan lab knowing. He knew the Wuhan lab was cooperating with #CCP and the peoples liberation Army

.@MariaBartiromo says Hunter Biden still owes 10% have a Chinese company. @SenRonJohnson says they release the report on it before the election but hardly anyone in the media would talk about it because there’s very few journalist left. The media is a bunch of activist now.

.@SenRonJohnson tells @MariaBartiromo there’s a growing concern about people getting vaccinated after they recently was infected with the virus. The VAERS System has reported 3000 deaths when people got vaccinated shortly after testing positive.

.@SenRonJohnson tells @MariaBartiromo no one should be forced to take this vaccine. He was a big champion of right to try but he’s also a big champion of right to choose.

.@SenRonJohnson tells @MariaBartiromo The Biden administration has issued no bid contracts to the tune of $600 million to a company connected to the transition team so it’s hard to tell what kind of corruption is going on there.

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