Scott MacFarlane Profile picture
CBS News Congressional Correspondent -- Syracuse Univ Alum -- 90's R&B superfan

May 9, 2021, 5 tweets

THIS WEEK: I'm eagerly anticipating a decision about pretrial detention in the case of accused US Capitol Insurrectionist Landon Copeland of Utah

Copeland is accused of assaulting police on front lines Jan 6

Four months later: Copeland screamed vulgarities at the judge May 6

The court tried to mute Copeland's phone when he began screaming vulgarities during his court appearance this week.

It. Did. Not. Go. Well. ===>

Then this happened ===> (at full volume)

Can a yelling defendant remain free from jail when he hollers at the court that it "owes" him additional courtesy and liberties?

Can a judge rule in the defendant's favor when he says this to her? (We could find out this week) ===>

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