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May 10, 2021, 6 tweets

🚨 BREAKING: The minke whale that escaped the clutches of rescuers in the Thames has become entangled in vines in the river

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🐳Hundreds gathered at Richmond Lock and Weir on Sunday evening after the whale became stuck on the lock's boat rollers.

Rescuers managed to hoist the mammal onto an inflatable raft in the early hours of Monday, but it managed to wriggle free

The whale was found "totally lost" on Monday morning at around 10.20am at Teddington Lock, swimming against the current.

⛑️The RNLI rushed to the scene, but it is unclear if they will be able to attempt a rescue attempt due to the whale's state of distress and the shallow waters

🐋Earlier, a witness said that "quite the crowd" have gathered to see the whale.

Jake Manketo from Richmond, said:
"We couldn't believe our eyes when we first saw the poor fella, not every day something like this happens in Richmond"

🌊Rescuers are hoping the tide rising will re-float the whale and avoid further distressing the animal with an attempt to lift it from shallow waters

🐳The whale has now become entangled in vines in the Teddington area

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