Tom Newton Dunn Profile picture
Variously: The Sun, Times Radio, TalkTV, The Times in the US 🇺🇸 + Evening Standard columnist. Always: #AFC. Agent, Mary Greenham

May 11, 2021, 5 tweets

The Treasury Committee has just released dozens of texts that David Cameron bombarded officials, ministers and SPADS with over 3 months of last year to try to save Greensill. He even lobbied his old nemesis Michael Gove. Some are toe curling, like this first one to Tom Scholar:

Or this one, promising "an elbow bump or foot tap" along with the Chancellor.

Cameron also lobbied Treasury ministers Jesse Norman and John Glen with texts, plus No10 SPAD Sheridan Westlake.

Then Rishi Sunak, and BEIS minister Nadhim Zahawi:

And eventually Michael Gove, who Cameron has never forgiven for backing Brexit, and thereby helping to end his Premiership.

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