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(She/Hers) Writer. Find me on Threads. Same handle. 💗💜💙 Managed by Artist International Group

May 11, 2021, 9 tweets

McConnell just called #ForThePeopleAct "a partisan effort" "racial justice" "hot wiring our democracy"

He said, "He helped pass HAVA (Help America Vote Act)." BTW HAVA had "poison pill" in that legislation. It opened the path for strict Voter ID implementation.


Senator Roger Wicker (R) still called #ForThePeopleAct "partisan" and makes it "easier to vote."

Democrats need to ask The GOP: "Should voting be impossibly difficult? Is it partisan to make sure voters are picking their candidates, not state legislatures picking the voters?"

Senator Jeff Merkley (D) quotes Cairre Catts, “The vote is the emblem of your equality, women of America, the guaranty of your liberty. That vote of yours has cost millions of dollars and the lives of thousands of women."

"Women have suffered agony of soul which you never can comprehend, that you and your daughters might inherit political freedom. That vote has been costly. Prize it! The vote is a power, a weapon of offense and defense, a prayer. Use it intelligently, conscientiously, prayerfully"

"We need national elections protections... [#ForThePeopleAct] defends the rights for every American to cast a ballot! We must defend every American's right to vote" - Sen. Jeff Merkely really showing some needed passion for Voting Rights. Democrats, follow suit.


Sen. Blunt saying "Ballot Harvesting will be forced on the states."

"Ballot Harvesting" is a pejorative for "Ballot Collection" which is used in Native, Rural, and Senior/Disability Communities to pick up ballots and drop them off. The GOP have used Ballot Collection for yrs 🤦🏽‍♀️

Sen. Ted Cruz just said this is going to help "illegal aliens (racist), criminals (racist), and felons (racist) vote for Democrats." Talks about "Ballot Harvesting" again. Calls #ForThePeopleAct dangerous.

Democrats PUSH BACK hard against this grotesque invective.

Sen. Angus King, "In Maine, we have no Voter ID Law, we have Same-Day Registration, No-Excuse Voting, 24/7 Drop Boxes and we have NO VOTER FRAUD. Fraud isn't an issue. We're not more honest than other states. [Voting Rights] is not a partisan issue." 👏🏽 #ForThePeopleAct

GOP talking points echoed by Sen. Hagerty:

"#ForThePeopleAct should be called For The Politician Act." (GMAFB)

"Democrats are trying to Federalize our Elections." (LOL)

"Democrats are just going for a Power Grab." (Insurrection?)

"Ballot Harvesting will be mandatory." (Nope)

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