Matthew Black Profile picture
📰 Postmedia politics reporter (Edmonton Journal/Sun) | Works with 📊 data & 📃 documents | 🎓 UBC & UAlberta (2x) | Profile pic by my 3 y/o daughter

May 11, 2021, 6 tweets

Alberta COVID-19 Tuesday update

*+1,449 new cases (211,836 total)

*7-day ave of new cases= 1,901
(decreased last 5 straight days)
*24,998 active cases
*705 in hospital inc 163* in ICU (*new record)

More📊s here⬇️…

*705 in hospital (1st time 700+ since Jan 20)
*163 in ICU (*new record)
*7-day ave of hospitalizations = 681

*+3 deaths (2,119 total)
*Ages: 70s (1), 90s (2)
*Zones: Central, North, South

*May 1-10: 27 deaths
*Apr 1-10: 14 deaths

*12.73% positivity (2nd highest to date, 4th time 12%+)
*11.8K tests (lowest since Apr 5)
*7-day rolling ave = 11.19%

*Total: 1,947,004
*1st doses: 1,627,225 (⬆️29,109)
(36.4% of pop)
*2nd doses: 319,779 (⬆️938)

Cross-🇨🇦 tracker⬇️…

Vaccine progress data race⬇️…

Interactive: Vaccinations by age ranges⬇️…


*39,287 total ⬆️256 (330 samples screened)

(% = % of all samples screened)
*36,962-B.1.1.7 (🇬🇧)⬆️239(72.4%)
*129-B.1.351 (🇿🇦) -- (0 %)
*2,190-P.1 (🇧🇷) ⬆️17 (5.2 %)
*6-B.1.617(🇮🇳) -- (0 %)


Reduced variant screening renders the raw numbers useless

The new graph below is an attempt to show some relative insight on which variants are growing as a % of samples screened
(feedback welcome!)

h/t to @jvipondmd for taking a look too

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