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May 12, 2021, 10 tweets

Covid-19 has killed over 3.3M people and infected more than 160M globally. Follow this thread for all the coronavirus-related developments for May 12:

A Covid-19 variant behind the acceleration of India's explosive outbreak has been found in 44 countries – WHO statement

Germany reports 14,909 new #Covid19 cases, bringing the total to over 3,54M, as the death toll rises by 268 to 85,380 – RKI

India reports 348,421 new #Covid19 cases, pushing the total to over 23.34M, as the death toll passes 250,000

Covid-19 pandemic "could have been prevented" – WHO commissioned panel report

Coronavirus variant driving infections and deaths in India has been detected in 44 countries, according to WHO. TRT World’s Health Correspondent Nicola Hill explains

UK reports 2,284 new Covid-19 cases, 11 deaths – official data

Norway drops AstraZeneca Covid vaccine and continues to suspend Johnson & Johnson jab

Turkey reports 13,029 new coronavirus cases and 232 new deaths – Health Ministry

Brazil reports 2,494 more Covid-19 deaths and 76,692 new cases – official data

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