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Author, consultant, motivational speaker. Biggest social media slut in mobile. A mAd vidiot, F1 fan, globetrotting digital gypsy 007 wannabe. The T Dawg

May 12, 2021, 6 tweets

On the 100 Republicans

That is a doomed effort

The GOP had the chance to split when Mitch McTurtle & GOP Senators could have impeached Trump (Mitch was given TWO opportunities to fix the GOP). This splinter group is not VIABLE, if the core of party is Trumpist. They will return

Understand the OPPOSITE.

If GOP had kicked out the total loser Trump (lost the GOP the House, the White House AND the Senate, inside 2 years, worst performance by a party in 90 years) - his supporters COULD have launched a VIABLE Third Party, on the right wing fringe: Tea Party

In that OPPOSITE case the Rump GOP could have SHIFTED TOWARDS THE MIDDLE - and try to take some disgruntled moderate DEMs (mostly INDs) to support them, and the nutter NRA, Tea Party, Nazi, racist sexist religious nutters could have had the Trump party, with a slice of support.

This #100Republicans movement is a SPOILER, that cannot attract MIDDLE support to be viable, as it is a 'conservative' movement on the right side of Trump, but without the fringe nutters there, ie gun huggers, bible thumpers, Nazis, sexists, idiots, Qanon cult and Fox viewers

That means, that the longer the 100 Republicans exist, the more they DRAIN votes away from the SMALLER of the two national parties (GOP). So they only are a spoiler. That means they will be ostracized, have nominal support, and miserably fail. They won't embrace Joe Biden...

So maybe they damage the Trumpian GOP for a cycle, or two, but they mostly only SUPPRESS some GOP vote, they are not able to take over that voter base. It means that in a few years, most of them will return to GOP (maybe after Trump is defeated in 2024). But this damage was done

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