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May 12, 2021, 7 tweets

The community turnout for has been incredible since its launch on Saturday.

Let's reflect on the progress we've made so far β†“πŸ§΅

The stated goals for the testnet were πŸ“‹
β‹… Let anyone test the whole platform
β‹… Find bugs in the UI or contracts
β‹… Get feedback to improve the platform

So, how're we doin'? 1/...

First takeaway: the community showed up, big time 😀

Four days in, 1000+ unique addresses have interacted with the testnet and 5,000+ trades have been made via the pools. 2/...

From that, ~150 community members exchanged 700+ messages in our #testnet channel on

Feedback is flowing, resulting in 30+ issues and feedback raised. Some are volunteering to write docs. Some are sharing specs for products they're buildingπŸ«‚ 3/...

In response to the immense feedback, the team has cranked out 44 commits across 26 pull requests for improvements to the UI and overall performance since Saturday. And we're stilling going πŸ’ͺ 4/...

We all may have even contributed to temporarily crashing the Georli ETH faucet πŸ˜… 5/...

The launch has far surpassed our most optimistic expectations. Huge shoutout to everyone who's participated so far. The energy and care y'all are bringing means so much πŸ’žπŸ§

We have more updates coming that you def need to check out so stayed tuned! 🚒

Onwards to mainnet! πŸš€ 6/

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