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May 12, 2021, 7 tweets

.@foofighters, my second favorite band of all time, are going to be in the #HallOfFame with Dave Grohl becoming a two time inductee.
everyone is sharing their music, but here is when they trolled Westboro baptist loons when they picketed their concert
1 out 2 tweets: Rick roll

.@foofighters, my second favorite band of all time, are going to be in the #HallOfFame with Dave Grohl becoming a two time inductee.
here is when they trolled Westboro baptist loons when they picketed their concert
2 / 2 tweets: Keep it clean-I want some hot man muff'n

i am now deep in foo fighters videos, this will be a long thread, mute the thread if you have no taste.
The time Dave Grohl left his wallet at a gas station in Barstow:

Dave Grohl's battle with a caffeine addiction and #Freshpotix

when 1000 musicians in cesena Italy came together to plead with the @foofighters to play a concert in their town

When Dave Grohl broke his leg during a concert in Sweden, got bandaged up and finished the show with the doctor holding his leg while he played

I will close with a montage of dave Grohl'd drum battle with Nandi Bushell @Nandi_Bushell, a 10-year-old British and zulu drummer

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