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May 12, 2021, 8 tweets

Since mid-April, the U.S. Covid-19 vaccination rate has fallen by nearly a million shots a day.

What can be done to reverse this disheartening trend? Bloomberg Opinion columnists have some ideas…

Stop treating vaccines like exclusive reservations at restaurants. Think food trucks instead.

Establish rolling vaccine centers that go where getting a shot can be an impulse decision.

Don’t limit operations to hours when most people are working

Vaccine centers at fast-food restaurants would be an ideal place to start.

Chick-Fil-A, Taco Bell and McDonald’s attract a large number of Black, Latino and young customers.

Ideally these companies would offer gift certificates along with vaccines

Public-health leaders should make a pro-social case for vaccination to convince young people to get vaccinated.

To make the most vulnerable safer, we need to lower the prevalence of the virus and vaccinate as many people as quickly as possible

Employers can play a major role in getting workers vaccinated:

🗓️Arrange appointments
🚗Pay for transportation
💵Pay workers’ wages while they go get their shots
💉Be vocal about how vaccination can help eliminate your company’s mask mandate

Beat people over the head with vaccine safety data.

Regulators should spend more time discussing the safety of the Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna shot.

Better and stronger messaging could make a big difference

Show the unvaccinated what they’re missing out on:

🍽️Restaurants can restrict customers to those who have been vaccinated
✈️Airlines can only allow vaccinated passengers
🏫Schools can insist teachers be vaccinated if they want to go back to work

The right-wing media will declare vaccination-only policies an affront to American values. And there will surely be lawsuits.

But so what? The point is to persuade the vaccine-hesitant to get off the fence…

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