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writer of threads || baker of breads || @aiisdev

May 13, 2021, 12 tweets

Top 10 “under the radar” projects coming out with a token soon that I am very bullish on... (in no particular order)

A thread by 🥐

1. @zksync

EVM compatible zero knowledge proof rollup leading the $ETH L2 scalability effort

Coinbase, $AAVE, CoinGecko, & $BAL were included amongst their investors who will use zkSync “to offer a low-cost alternative to L1 payments to their huge subscriber bases”

Token soon.

2. @gelatonetwork

A bot network anyone can tap into for automation of their smart contracts

Created by @tendermint_team, @cosmos, & @gnosisPM core team members

Gelato now secures hundreds of millions in DeFi for liquidation protections, limit orders, & much more!

Token soon.

3. @axelarcore

A cross-blockchain platform making communication between blockchains simpler than ever before

The project has backing from Coinbase + Binance, & it was built by the founding team members of $ALGO (Algorand)

Partnered with Moonbeam & $AVAX

Token soon.

4. @goldfinch_fi

A decentralized credit platform for loans on $ETH, WITHOUT collateral

Created by Coinbase engineers, the project already serves 10,000 borrowers across Mexico, Nigeria, & Asia

Using Goldfinch, anyone can become an underwriter for making loans

Token soon.

5. @OverlayProtocol

$LINK hackathon winner allowing users to trade various data streams in DeFi

@mikey_rf, the founder is a former NASA researcher & $ETH enthusiast, with connections to $SUSHI

$OVL is minted or burned dynamically to pay out profits to traders

Token soon.

6. @ceramicnetwork

A decentralized network for open information on the blockchain using DID & IPFS

The project was created with the help of @3boxlabs, and the Linux Foundation

I like to think of this kind of like a Wikipedia for blockchain 👀

Token planned.

7. @PowerDada

An art platform with over 160K users, explored #NFT’s BEFORE CryptoKitties

$DADA will be used for incentives, purchases, curation, & much more on the platform!

It is backed by @Consensys, & the founder owns the #1 virtual reality app on the App Store

Token soon.

8. @ribbonfinance

Ribbon offers products for 4 broad categories:

1. Volatility
2. Enhancing yields
3. Principal protection
4. Accumulation

It was built by a MIT student + Coinbase software engineer, with backing from @opyn_ & Joseph Lubin (co-founder of $ETH)

Token soon.

9. @PalmNft

$PALM is a @Consensys backed #NFT scaling solution rivaling the $FLOW blockchain

It was created by Joseph Lubin, cofounder of $ETH, Joe Hage, owner of Heni Publishing, & David Heyman, the founder of Heyday Films who produced the Harry Potter movies

Token soon.

10. @RealityEth (Forkanomics)

A protocol serving as a decentralized oracle for arbitrary data

It introduces the Subjectivocratic token proposal, a forking ledger of queryable truths on a token

The founder invented the world’s first smart contract oracle in 2012

Token planned.

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