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"What is @Aw_What problem? Obsessed with HART. I feel angry." - #Hartleaks "Supposed Librarian" "Anonymous adversary" - #Hartleaks

May 13, 2021, 18 tweets

1) I've already written a thread on the members of @hartgroup_org but, in this thread, I want to highlight their formation, views of its members, their exposure in media, and their increasingly anti-vax stance.

2) .@hartgroup_org are basically an offshoot of Narice Bernard's Yeadon Campaign & PCR Claims. Conversations, involving Narice, Anna Rayner, Mike Yeadon, Bernie de Haldevang (@Gilt_Elephant), & others, led to the setting up of @hartgroup_org

3) PCR Claims, members of @hartgroup_org & former PCR Claims "spokesperson" @NickHudsonCT, started tweeting in early Jan. 2021 about the upcoming launch

4) Narice stuck up for @hartgroup_org members when someone pointed out the difference in experience between them & SAGE. Bernie de Haldevang promoted Hart & PCR Claims. And, Hart member, Engler, discussed possible collaboration with @ClareCraigPath & Mike Yeadon.

5) Graham Hutchinson was an early member of @hartgroup_org but stepped down early in Feb. to "try" and fill the "void" left by Mike Yeadon after he deleted his Twitter account.

6) Early in the pandemic, Hart member Jonathan Engler had full belief in the qualifications of SAGE members when the government were possibly going for herd immunity & letting the virus rip through society. Around the same time, Joel Smalley was sceptical about the virus.

7) In Feb. 2020, Hart member @DrLeeJones admitted to his knowledge limitations on the science of pandemics: "you'll need epidemiologists". Dr Lee has more recently discussed his views on other Hart members in the below thread with @whippletom

8) Another Hart member, "retired doctor" Liz Evans, also formed the UK Medical Freedom Alliance. The UKFMA share info on vaccines from sources such as The Daily Expose, "Dr No" & anti-vaxxer Robert F. Kennedy Jr's Children's Health Defence site.

9) In Jan. 2021, @hartgroup_org's John Lee claimed on @talkRADIO that there were "no excess deaths due to covid". Lee doesn't appear to have much of a social media presence but looking at other members' tweets, this was probably why he gets media gigs.

10) So what do @hartgroup_org members think about vaccines?

11) I'm quite interested to know if @JeffreyPeel is involved with @hartgroup_org as he previously claimed he wasn't involved with PCR Claims.

12) .@hartgroup_org member Joel Smalley has been tweeting a lot recently about vaccines and trying to link increases in deaths to the rollout.

13) The image below is part of @hartgroup_org statement on their website. Do @hartgroup_org really believe they'll be taken seriously when their members are sharing anti-vax material and non-peer reviewed sources of information?

14) Thread on Narice Bernard's Yeadon Campaign:

15) Thread on Narice Bernard's PCR Claims/Liberal Spring/China Files/Liberty Places:

16) Oh look, its @hartgroup_org coordinator, Anna Rayner, at today's march.

17) As stated in Tweet 8) of this thread, Liz Evans is also involved with the UK Medical Freedom Alliance. Here's a selection of Liz's old tweets:

18) New @hartgroup_org member, Anthony Hinton, appears to have been invited to contact the group by @HCimiez (most likely a fake name as Cimiez is where Henri Matisse's tomb is but if not fake, cool name).

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