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Currently writing a tale about the riot trail / Fmr Vid Director @dailycaller / vid ed @levintv / desk monkey @nbc / ME history, Arabic, philosophy @georgetown

May 13, 2021, 7 tweets

In this piece, @RobertMackey (who I spoke to for over an hour) describes my professional background but *fails to include the fact that I worked at NBC News for LONGER than LevinTV, even though I told him this and the info is available for all to see on my LinkedIn:

Furthermore, @RobertMackey implies that I deleted footage to protect Kyle Rittenhouse (a felony) despite the fact that I told him my phone was NOT recording at the time of the shooting and that I turned over ALL footage to the police and cooperated FULLY on night of the shooting

@RobertMackey states that there was "speculation" online that I was recording at the time of the shooting and was withholding evidence of a nationally prominent homicide

The "speculation" that he links to is an absurd theory floated by a self-described satirist with 75 followers

Before I spoke with @RobertMackey on the phone for over an hour in an attempt to set the record straight, I had a twitter DM exchange in which I aired my grievances with his previous reporting (which framed me as some kind of "far right" Kyle Rittenhouse apologist)

@RobertMackey also implied that we were viewed by Proud Boys as an ally, despite the fact that I told him I was targeted by PB's in both DC and Portland as a result of @ShelbyTalcott and I filming PB's violent assault of an individual outside the CHAZ in Seattle

Here is the aforementioned Proud Boys assault outside CHAZ

The video got a quarter million views. But it didn’t play into @RobertMackey’s narrative so he omitted, despite me emphasizing the clip in our call as evidence of our commitment to objectivity:

I let our team’s reporting speak for itself. We have always striven to document the *complete picture of these protest zones, sometimes at great risk to our safety.

If @RobertMackey wants to follow up this garbage pile he’s trying to pass as journalism, I’m happy to talk (again)

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