Ari Berman Profile picture
Author: Minority Rule, Give Us the Ballot & Herding Donkeys Voting rights reporter: @motherjones Speaking:

May 13, 2021, 13 tweets

SCOOP from me & @NickSurgey: In new leaked video dark money group Heritage Action brags to top donors about writing “model legislation” making it harder to vote in GA TX IA FL AZ. This is proof of massive coordinated right-wing voter suppression campaign…

Must-watch video: Heritage admits it is writing voter suppression laws for GOP state legislators

“we actually draft them for them, or we give them the model legislation so it has that grassroots, from-the-bottom-up type of vibe”

Heritage Action says it wrote “8 key provisions” in Georgia voter suppression law, “19 provisions” in Texas House bill & “3 provisions” of Iowa law. Dark $ fueling voter suppression

“Republicans who adopt these model laws should be ashamed of themselves” says @marceelias

Here's what Heritage said about Iowa voter suppression bill it helped write, including policy that put 294,000 voters on inactive status

"We did it quickly & we did it quietly. Honestly, nobody even noticed. My team looked at each other & we’re like, ‘It can’t be that easy.’”

Heritage has been at forefront of weaponizing Trump’s Big Lie in order to push bills that restrict access to ballot

Group spending $24 million in dark money over two years in AZ MI FL GA IA NV TX WI to “right the wrongs of November”

“One of the most influential dark money groups in Republican circles is writing voter suppression laws in secret to make it harder for Black, Brown & young people to be able to vote. This is a shocking development for democracy” @allinwithchris

This made my morning: “the real blockbuster political story of the day came in the form of a video obtained by Mother Jones and written about in a detailed article there by Ari Berman and Nick Surgey”

Thank you @HC_Richardson!

The plot thickens: top Iowa Republican says it's "bald-faced lie" (!) that Heritage Action help write law restricting voting access as they claimed & suggests group may be "potentially implicating themselves in an ethics violation" via @LauraRBelin…

History of voter suppression at Heritage goes back a long, long way

Co-founder Paul Weyrich in 1980: “I don’t want everybody to vote. Our leverage in the elections quite candidly goes up as the voting populace goes down"

“Heritage is spending $24 million to make it harder to vote in 8 states and block HR1, which would make it easier to vote. You have dark money funding and organizing voter suppression. That’s the exact thing the For the People Act would stop” @allinwithchris

.@ItsDocumented has posted full 46 minute video of Heritage donor summit @MotherJones reported on, where they brag about drafting "model legislation" making it harder to vote. It's also been included in our original story

Iowa GOP House Speaker Pat Grassley on Heritage Action taking credit for state's new voting restrictions: "They’re either lying to impress their donors or they’re in a situation where they’re potentially in violation of the House ethics rules"…

Important point by @pbump: Heritage’s election fraud database, which they frequently cite to justify new voting restrictions, in fact completely undercuts their claims…

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