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May 13, 2021, 6 tweets

These Edge events give a window into the depraved culture of the technocratic elites. Underage girls were trafficked by Epstein to these events attended by Bezos, Eric Schmidt, Brin, Murdoch, Negroponte, Myhrvold, many more. None of them said a word about it & still remain silent

The girl on the left was brought to the 2002 Edge event on Epstein's plane with several prominent academics. She is listed in Epstein's black book as a model working for convicted pedo co-conspirator Jean Luc Brunel & is also on flight logs with Bill Clinton & others.

The Edge event from 03 was just as bad. Edge brazenly advertised photos of this 12 yr old girl, who was trafficked on Epstein's plane 20+ times & is mentioned in lawsuits, at this party attended by Jeff Bezos, Larry Page, Brin, Schmidt etc

Kelly Bovino, who was pictured with the 12 year old victim, was one of Epstein's 'child procurers' & is on the flight logs multiple times. Bovino is photographed at the same party with Jeff Bezos & Eric Schmidt. Where is the accountability? Where is the justice for these victims?

The Edge events were run by John Brockman, a close friend Epstein, and took his money to fund these 'billionaire dinners' which were likely used a honeypot to entrap prominent tech & media figures into pedophile blackmail schemes.

Kelly Bovino was listed as an 'emergency contact' in Epstein's black book for Linda Stone, a former Microsoft executive & MIT advisory council member who vouched for Epstein at MIT in 2013 calling him "awesome" and "brilliant"

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