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May 13, 2021, 5 tweets

Bakuten #06 was outsourced to Studio WIT and their younger sibling St Kafka. Interesting not because of the quality of their work (good enough!) but because it proved that the rhythmic gymnastics performances have a production line of their own, keeping the same specialized team

Shout out to Shingo Yamashita's camerawork as usual. Even in performances where he's not getting crafty to hide transitions between 2D&3D within the same shot, he's still carefully enhancing the flow, adding more dynamism to the presentation, and even hiding rougher edges

As a whole, Bakuten's still very much Bakuten. Kuroyanagi has had to lower his crazy acting standards, but he's still personally supervising its identity: naturalistic presentation of most aspects, which only makes the moments of abstraction & fantastical elation stand out more

Also got around to watching last week's episode since I hadn't yet and that one *is* an amusing departure from Bakuten's norm. Keeps some of the show's usual qualities like the excellent sound direction but it fully commits to the horror presentation for a gag episode (or is it?)

So really it's just flexing by being this well directed of a horror anime just as a joke to have the cast bond. (Also another outsourced episode, to Snowdrop this time, turns out that isn't a problem when well planned, who'd have thought)

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