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Misfit | Not on gov time or tax payers $. As of November 19th 2022, I am Still blocked by Donald J Trump, since 2018. salty asshole

May 13, 2021, 11 tweets

1/ April 7th 2021:
Five Palestinians aged 9 to 13 were picking wild edibles near a settlement
Soldiers chased and arrested them, although most are below the age of criminal responsibility. Watch what you never see on tv. @btselem

2/ arresting a 13 year old CHILD, blinfolding him, then throwing stun grenades undiscriminatly into random homes.

3/ arresting a 12 and 14 year old boy.
do you think these children will grow up to be tolerant adults? fuck no

4/ arresting a 15 year old and a fucking 6 year old. detaining them, and sentencing the 15-year-old to 3 months in jail.
6 YEARS OLD, terrorizing them in their own land, on the inside of barbed wires

5/ I get the whole fucking geopolitical conflict, there will always be one in that region, everyone has the right to exist, AND CHILDREN HAVE THE RIGHT TO BE CHILDREN AND NOT GET DRAGGED INTO THIS SHIT

6/ two more kids dragged from their own land while on their way to school. their crime: suspected of throwing stones over the wall.

7/ have you ever heard your own child crying and yelling for you to save him while someone is dragging him and trying to take him away from a playground? what would you do?

fuck it
end of thread

there is an entire playlist from an Israeli human rights watch group here:…

for the motherfuckers who are coming @ me. Read tweet number 5

Christopher Hitchens explained best how that region will never see peace

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