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Social, Political & Economics Observer | Believe in Dharma and Karma | Modi | Views Personal

May 14, 2021, 14 tweets

PM care funds & It’s utilisation.

🎗Registered as a public Charitable Trust on 27.03.2020

🎗 The account is audited after the end of every financial year.

🎗Amount collected between 27th & 31st March 2020 : ₹3076 Crores #PMCares

🎗 Amount collected and utilised in this year will be audited and then be released well.

However the government at multiple junctures informed what is the expenditure made from the PM cares fund.

You will find them below

The 3076 Crores collected in 2019-20 was allocated for the following and is mentioned in the PM cares website.

2000 Crores for Ventilators, 1000 Crores for Migrant worker welfare and 100 Crore for vaccine development.

The 35,000 Crores vaccine package was for financial year 2021-22.

For Vaccinating 3 Crore Frontline workers between January to March 2021, ₹2700 Crores was spent of which ₹2200 Crore was given by PM cares fund.…

₹6309 Crores was released to states for Covid Preparedness and this was as on 15.01.2021. This is part of the Covid Emergency response package. Of the ₹15000 Crores.

For procurement of N95 Masks, PPE coverall & Ventilators, a total of ₹5022 Crores was spent.

Apart from this 11.15 Crore hydroxychloroquine Tablets were supplied to states incurring an expenditure of ₹70 Crore

201 Crores was spent for procurement of 162 PSA oxygen plants. The total PSA sanctioned as of date stands at 713. An additional 500 PSA oxygen plants were sanctioned last month.

Total expense incurred for this is approximately ₹1500 Crores.…

1,50,000 Units of Oxycare systems purchased from DRDO at a cost of ₹322.5 Crores; Temporary Covid care centres built by the central government. These are also through the PM cares fund.

Apart from this 1 Lakh oxygen concentrators, 23 Oxygen generators from Germany, 1,02,400 Oxygen cylinders & cryogenic containers are procured.

The total expense incurred for these emergency imports during 2nd wave are yet to be disclosed.

22.14 Lakh health workers are covered under insurance scheme launched on 30.03.2020. Even if a modest amount of 3000₹ per Annum is taken as premium per person, ₹1328 Crores is paid as premium in the last two years.

The government sources already clarified immediately after PM cares was setup as to why this fund was set up & why the National disaster relief fund was not utilised for addressing the needs of eradicating this pandemic.

CSR expenditure incurred by PSU ans Pvt organisations in India in FY 19-20 was ₹17,885 Crores. Donations from these companies to PM care funds will be considered as CSR expenditure.

Even though the PSUs have donated close to 2500 Crores to PM cares.

The amount of donations received from Pvt companies & individual contributors will be known after the audited financial statement is released.

Basis of above known expenditures from the fund, the total expense stands at ₹17,469 Cr. These are already available in public domain.

The number of times Mahua Moitra types questioning the utilisation of PM care funds shows how efficiently they spend their time in the parliament.

When the audited statement is provided to them, they’ll leave this topic and jump to a new one.

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