Scott MacFarlane Profile picture
CBS News Congressional Correspondent -- Syracuse Univ Alum -- 90's R&B superfan

May 14, 2021, 6 tweets

At 10am: I'm closely watching hearing of US Capitol riot defendant Chris Worrell, who's seeking release from jail

Worrell is an accused Proud Boy & allegedly pepper sprayed police

Worrell argues he has Non-Hodgkins lymphoma & vulnerable to COVID in jail

But.. there's a twist

In filing last night, Justice Dept argues it's found no record Worrell received treatment recently

Feds express some concerns about the doctor Worrell cites in his argument for release.

Doc has no staff, no medical records and is not oncologist, per prosecutors

Oh.. and .. they say Worrell already had COVID and no longer has symptoms

Feds allege Chris Worrell not only participated in riot, but was a "calculated participant"

And they say he has a criminal history of impersonating police ==>

US Justice Dept argues court should keep Worrell BEHIND BARS, pending trial. We'll see what the judge says at 10am

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