Tomi T Ahonen Moved to Post, Spoutible & Mastodon Profile picture
Author, consultant, motivational speaker. Biggest social media slut in mobile. A mAd vidiot, F1 fan, globetrotting digital gypsy 007 wannabe. The T Dawg

May 14, 2021, 38 tweets

Trump Prison Thread 1/

As Trump is seeing the walls caving in all around him, let's do a May update to the stages of where is the Prison Time, that is coming to Trump

I promise you. Trump will go to prison. Let's examine, in Rumfeldian words some known knowns & some unknowns..

Trump Prison Thread 2/

I can PROMISE you, Trump goes to prison. We do not know WHEN he goes to prison. There are MANY ongoing cases against him. But let's do an update. Starting with certainty. Some of Trump's prison sentences are KNOWN KNOWNS... Like Michael Cohen..

Trump Prison Thread 3/

We KNOW Trump will go to prison, because of Michael Cohen, his former attorney. Michael Cohen pleaded guilty and got 3 year sentence. In his case Donald Trump was 'Individual One' the person who DIRECTED the crimes of Cohen. Trump WILL DO THIS TIME.

Trump Prison Thread 4/

Michael Cohen got a LENIENT sentence for the crime he did with Trump (this was Stormy Daniels payments). Trump will not get SAME sentence, Trump will get MORE. BUT this is not the URGENT BIG crimes that the Feds want on Trump. Which is why it has to wait.

Trump Prison Thread 5/

Understand, that Michael Cohen was sentenced in 2018. In any normal prosecution, the co-conspirators (incl Trump) would have been prosecuted immediately. Because Trump was President, he had Presidential privilege & his trial is DELAYED. But NOT abandoned

Trump Prison Thread 6/

Now that Trump is no longer President, he WILL be prosecuted on the same CRIMES that Michael Cohen was convicted, where Trump IS 'Individual One'

This is coming. But likely is not the FIRST to be processed, because of far BIGGER crimes by Trump

Trump Prison Thread 7/

One of the BIGGER crimes that we KNOW of is the tax fraud in New York State. This case is processed by STATE attorneys in New York (This is not SDNY which is FEDERAL court in NY). One of targets in the investigation is Allen Weisselberg, Trump's accountant

Trump Prison Thread 8/

The tax fraud case is enormous, possibly valued around $225 MILLION dollars. Tax crimes never expire, Trump cannot escape with 'statute of limitations'. This case is nearing the stage of an arrest. It is what Trump fears New York will do to him.

Trump Prison Thread 9/

We KNOW the New York tax fraud case is ACTIVE, because New York state and Manhattan prosecutors have said so. They took Trump to the Supreme Court (his tax returns, the Deutsche Bank papers) where Trump lost, twice.

Trump Prison Thread 10/

Trump's petty criminal life before becoming President involves Stormy Daniels and Deutsche Bank and hundreds of millions of dollars of tax fraud. He'll likely get a decade for those alone.

That was petty crime. His BIG crimes came as President

Trump Prison Thread 11/

Donald Trump was impeached the first time for crimes against America. He abused his powers, extorted Ukraine, corruptly used his office as President to benefit himself personally. Republican Senators (except Romney) voted to let bygones be bygones...

Trump Prison Thread 12/

We know that Trump was involved extorting Ukraine, Trump admitted it on TV. While the Senate Republicans found Trump not guilty, Trump broke a series of FEDERAL laws, which are now being INVESTIGATED.

How do we know this?

Trump Prison Thread 13/

Mueller told us, that in his investigation, if he could have exonerated Trump, he would have said so. And he didn't. In Mueller's words, he sees evidence of crimes committed, but by DOJ rules, he was not allowed to prosecute a sitting President.

Trump Prison Thread 14/

Mueller had farmed out about a dozen criminal cases that he found evidence of. Now we know, that one of those involved Giuliani. I mean Rudy and Ukraine ONLY - not Giuliani's later crimes around the Big Lie and January 6th terrorist attacks

Trump Prison Thread 15/

We KNOW that Giuliani's original Ukraine crimes are so severe, his ATTORNEY office, not just his home, was raided two weeks ago. This is VERY bad (for Rudy). It means that there is overwhelming evidence of Rudy's guilt that the feds have ALREADY

Trump Prison Thread 16/

Giuliani's international rogue diplomacy crimes are a whole ORDER OF MAGNITUDE greater than Stormy Daniels or Tax Fraud. Giuliani arranged for an Ambassador to be fired. Rudy did this for Putin's pals. And at their expense. Lev Parnas has the receipts

Trump Prison Thread 17/

Giuliani is so utterly screwed, he was begging for a Presidential pardon. Trump pardoned Manafort & Roger Stone, but not Giuliani, one of Trump's closest - and most loyal - friends. Giuliani trial happens this year. He goes to prison for at least a decade

Trump Prison Thread 18/

When Giuliani flips - he will of course - he brings devastasting testimony against Pompeo, Bill Barr, Manafort, Don Jr, and of course Trump. Giuliani will be sentenced around end of year, or early next year. He flips probably already this summer.

Trump Prison Thread 19/

When Giuliani flips, he has to confess to ALL crimes. So he has to also spill the beans on the Big Lie - under oath - and on January 6th. This gets more criminals involved like Sen Josh Hawley, Eric Prince (Blackwater dude, Betsy DeVos's sick brother)

Trump Prison Thread 20/

(am pausing to post this first set. TW has a limit of how long theads you can post at a time. I will continue in a moment, we have more to come in the Trump paths to prison)

Trump Prison Thread 21/

So, on notorious serial butt-dialer and alleged attorney Rudy Giuliani. He was CAUGHT in 2019. The Feds had the case AGAINST Rudy by summer of 2020. They wanted to raid his office and home then

BILL BARR intervened (illegally). That delay has now ended

Trump Prison Thread 22/

Bill Barr shielded Trump on Giuliani's crimes from at least the summer of 2020. Barr will go down for this too. Absolutely certainly Barr will be convicted. TWO of Nixon's Attorneys General were convicted, for FAR LESS than what Barr did.

Trump Prison Thread 23/

The CO-CONSPIRATOR in Giuliani's foreign policy crimes - was Donald Trump. He CONFESSED IT. He gave us the transcript of his phone call to Ukraine. Trump is utterly screwed on this alone. This crime gets Trump ANOTHER DECADE. This Ukraine crime alone.

Trump Prison Thread 24/

What Giuliani delivers, is the OTHER Trump crimes, that Rudy was hired to do with Trump. Remember, 'attorney-client privilege' does NOT shield CRIMES that the attorney is involved in.

Trump tried to extort Georgia to flip the vote. Rudy was point man

Trump Prison Thread 25/

But the WORST crime any US President has ever attempted, was to attack his own Congress. Literally. Deadly force. This Trump did on January 6. Giuliani was involved not just speaking on that day, Rudy was involved PLANNING the terrorist attack.

Trump Prison Thread 26/

The CORRECT sequence in any Mafia trial, is to start from the bottom, and get the criminals to flip. The CORRECT sequence is to get Buttdial McRudypants FIRST to flip, and then get the next tier of mobsters

Trump Prison Thread 27/

You think that's bad? Then we have the Hitler Jugend kids. EACH of Trump's kids is being investigated for DIFFERENT crimes
Ivanka embezzlement
Don Jr Jan 6
Beavis Trump for tax fraud
Any of these can move forward at any moment. They ALL will flip on daddy

Trump Prison Thread 28/

Then there is a whole SLEW of OTHER crimes that are in various stages of processing against Trump, like tax fraud cases in Illinois and California. Like Election fraud lies in Pennsylvania, New Jersey. etc etc.

BUT we have a surprising late entrant...

Trump Prison Thread 29/

Among very low level Trumpomobsters is Florida asshole Congressman, the Honorable Rapey McForehead, Matt Gaetz. Who rapes teens and pays for it by Venmo. He is making Trump's life even worse, if that is possible...

Trump Prison Thread 30/

You see, the genius child-rapist had the good sense to provide WRITTEN TESTIMONY to lifetime mobster Roger Stone, that they raped kids, when begging for a Trump pardon.

Would be a SHAME if Trump pardons become unraveled for BRIBES involved... oopsie

Trump Prison Thread 31/

Understand... Trump KNEW Giuliani will send Trump to prison for DECADES, and Trump did NOT pardon Rudy.

But Roger Stone threatened Trump - and Trump DID pardon the Rogerstone. How much WORSE is that, what Roger Stone knows about Trump?

Trump Prison Thread 32/

The Trump pardon to Roger Stone does NOT cover this new crime (selling Trump pardons to Matt Gaetz & fellow rapists). So Stone GOES BACK TO PRISON. And he WILL FLIP on Trump. Roger tried prison, didn't like it.

Trump Prison Thread 33/

Everybody in the chain of crimes, has lost their 'protector' who could have pardoned them (Trump). Who in fact PROMISED to pardon them haha.

Now the ONLY way to REDUCE the YEARS in prison, is to flip. And flip on someone higher. They will ALL go down

Trump Prison Thread 34/

How far can it go? Time will tell. We can hope. But look at Trump. He SOLD Ambassadorships and pardons. Of COURSE he also sold the SCOTUS seats. Who has those receipts? Is likely the last chapter of the prison cavalcade

Trump Prison Thread 35/

Do not feel despondent, the wheels of justice do move slowly. BUT Trump will NOT avoid prison. He will get SEVERAL DECADES of time. But before Trump, we have to process the lower criminals first. Like Giuliani & Matt Gaetz. Justice IS coming. Be patient

PS on Trump Prison/1

On the timing. We have a timeline, remember Michael Cohen. Giuliani is on that timeline. Expect Rudy arrested this summer, his court case in Autumn, convicted around end of year or early 2022. He is FIRST domino in the chain to Trump.

PS on Trump Prison/2

On Matt Gaetz, his criminal child-rapist pal, Joel Greenberg is about to change his plea on Monday to guilty (flipping against Gaetz). That STARTS the clock against The Honorable Rapey McForehead

PS on Trump Prison/3

New York State's tax case against Trump seems to be on the verge of an arrest. At least Palm Beach ie Florida law officers were preparing for such a procedure coming from New York THIS WEEK. This case may happen soon... (BUT don't hold your breath)

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