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May 14, 2021, 14 tweets

1 The degen movement has been the source of many activities that have ranged from concerning to consterning.

2 as a subtribe of DeFi it is prone to deliberately provocative coordination such as Gamestop and Dogecoin

3 From the BUILDL perspective it can seem childish and even at times self-destructive, as it can involve malignant market manipulation and questionable "leadership" ethics and regulatory postures.

4 But from the perspective of revolutionary action, it can also be seen as a pure expression of punk rock ethos or what I call "Fuck you, money"

5 Why should we embrace degen? it is:

1) nonviolent (aggressive as hell, but please compare this monetary revolution to the French or American Revolutions killing people with guns or guillotines).

2) consensual (it involves the freedom to act stupid and potentially get rekt)

6 Why do people degen? First of all, it's fun AF. It's liberating to feel that money can be used in a way other than to feel crushed by an oppressive job or lack of one.

7 So the degen tribe overlaps with the gaming tribe, and the punk rock tribe, the apes and it has the same zen aspect as does punk rock which is an aggressive way of telling people to wake the fuck up.

8 As such there is an overlap with the "Everything is a simulation" tribe as well as "Everything is a game" tribe. But the debate about Elon is whether he is pure greed and manipulation or if he is a fellow gamer.

9 As @owocki pointed out, @VitalikButerin created a shotgun marriage between degens and regens by hitching up @ShibainuCoin @AKITA_network @CryptoRelief_ and @gitcoin

10 Degens and Regens are now in the same boat. Infinite gamers and abundance is big enough to absorb finite gamers and scarcity.

11 because who gives AF about buying a car with bitcoin or what Elon thinks about anything other than cars and space ships?

12 some people want to decide who belongs to "us" and who doesn't. Meanwhile developers continue to BUILDL as pointed out by @BlockGeekDima and nodes continue to form consensus block after block.

13 Against the backdrop of history, there is room in this tent for everyone. All human endeavor looks kind of adorable at this scale, even the naughty ones.

@PrajnaVieira you're just here for the bears!

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