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Write on business with @workweekinc. Co-host @niapodcast. Building an AI research app:

May 14, 2021, 11 tweets

Read some great articles on Spotify's user-friendly interface.

Here are 8 notable UX decisions it makes🧵

1/ Dark mode (which Spotify was been using since early days)

◻️ White text on dark background is easier on the eyes
◻️ Visual comfort = more browsing
◻️ The color scheme is a major contrast to Apple Music

2/ Mobile player more spacious vs. Apple Music

◻️ Apple (L) has the volume control, which crowds the screen
◻️ Spotify (R) has *no* volume control (most people control mobile volume with side phone button)

3/ Mobile optimization

◻️ Browse feature rolled into Search as the primary navigation tool
◻️ Sub-tabs are laid out as high-contrast cards
◻️ Cards are optimal for mobile screen real estate

4/ Interactive buttons

◻️ Primary (green) and secondary (ghost outline) buttons easy to navigate
◻️ Buttons "pop" when you hover, indicating interactivity
◻️ Change in text and color states communicate changes

5/ Visual hiearchy

◻️ Spotify uses size, color and positioning to orient users
◻️ Top left is the artist and the content is categorized into easy to navigate "Songs", "Albums". Playlist".
◻️ Page includes a list of other related "arists" in case search is wrong

6/ Consistent design language

◻️ Artists are always in circular frames
◻️ Songs and albums always in square frames
◻️ This consistency allows users to navigate platform more "intuitively" and interact almost sub-consciously

7/ Discovery

◻️ Spotify is constantly giving you reccomendations based on: 1) collaborative filtering (which tracks your behaviour and others); 2) text NLP and 3) audio analysis
◻️ Its Discover Weekly playlist is a music streaming staple

8/ Spotify year-end Wrapped = viral masterstroke

◻️ Turn a user's streaming stats into shareable social content
◻️ Instead of choosing traditional colors (red), Spotify picks "uncommon colors" (pink, neon) which are fun, have no emotional association and are attention-grabbers

9/ Follow @TrungTPhan for other business threads and really dumb memes

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