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May 14, 2021, 13 tweets

Labour must not let Howard Beckett back into the party.

His record on antisemitism is appalling. Here are some of the episodes.

When the party suspended Naomi Wimborne-Idrissi of "Jewish Voice for Labour" (JVL) and Louise Regan last year, Beckett was furious. 1/13

He offered "solidarity" to the "outstanding comrades".

“The membership will not stand by idly and put up with it.”

"We will stand up to this leadership on behalf of all members of the Labour party”.

Both women were speakers at the same meeting. 2/13

David Hirsh on JVL: it "serves to kosherize Jeremy Corbyn’s antisemitic politics and to smear anyone who says they have experienced antisemitism in the Party".

As for Regan, her Corbynista antics were too much even for Labour left MP Nadia Whittome. 3/13

Asked last year by the far left blogger "Cornish Damo" about people Labour had suspensed, Beckett pledged to "stand by them", said their suspensions were "disgusting", and offered "practical support" alongside "solidarity". 4/13

"Cornish Damo" is a piece of work. No one who wants to drive antisemitism out of the Labour party should come anywhere hear him. 5/13

The Labour Representation Committee (LRC) is a far left group with an awful record in the Labour antisemitism crisis. It has defended Tony Greenstein, Marc Wadsworth, Jackie Walker, Chris Williamson, and Pete Willsman.

A home for Howard!

He offered the LRC meeting an... 6/13

...entirely unqualified defence of Corbyn and looked forward to him winning legal challenges to the party.

He added that Unite solicitors were working for Corbyn and he hoped to work with Bindmans in a bid to bring several cases together in a group. 7/13

This "Red Labour" meeting featured cranks out to defend themselves and their fellows and attack Labour.

Beckett proposed a long game: "We have to be ready for the fight, as and when it comes, to take back control of the party."

Then: "For those of you who are in CLPs... 8/13

..who are being attacked, if you do contact Unite’s local political officer, they will contact me, you will receive support."

He did not challenge any of the objectionable remarks by other speakers. No walk-out here. That's for NEC meetings, you see. 9/13

This is what Beckett thinks of the Canary hate site:

"Without a doubt, we have to now, anybody who wants the left voice to be heard, has to embrace the social media left wing voices that are out there and use the platforms and give them all the support they need." 10/13

Salma Yaqoob is an Islamist activist who has been embroiled in one antisemitism controversy after another for years.

Israel hosting Eurovision? "Lipstick on a pig."

When she sought the Labour nomination for the West Midlands Mayor election, Beckett and Unite backed her. 11/13

Here he is on the Kremlin propaganda channel RT, whitewashing.

“I don’t see Labour as any more antisemitic than any
other party.”

Iain McNicol should be blamed, not Corbyn and his team, who were facing “disgraceful” and “unwarranted” attacks. 12/13

Howard Beckett is at war with the party. Right out in the open. He's proud of it.

It is long past time for the party to return the favour.

Expel him. 13/13

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