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If thy heart fails thee, climb not at all.
Magdi Shalash Profile picture 1 subscribed
Jul 21 7 tweets 3 min read
In February, Leicester Islamists staged one of the most overtly pro-Hamas protests I have ever seen in the UK.

Here, Asim Qureshi of Cage says Israel "cannot exist" and must be "resisted".

On the right, you will see Shockat Adam, now an MP. At a terror rally! 1/6 They held nothing back. See them marching on the day, chanting for Palestinian terrorists and cheering on the Houthis of Yemen. 2/6
Jul 6 5 tweets 2 min read
Iqbal Mohamed, the new MP for Dewsbury, thinks our “complicit” and merely “silent” leaders should be taken to court as “accessories to genocide”.

This is a titanic struggle for nothing less than “humanity” and “the whole of the world’s soul”. “Palestine is the world’s soul!” 1/5 Such lofty aspirations. But what about more practical steps?

Don’t vote for Zionists! This is "self-harming", you see. 2/5
Jun 24 8 tweets 3 min read
“The Muslim Vote”, an Islamist pressure group, is rightly coming under critical scrutiny.

Lesser known is a closely linked “Arab Voice” political influence campaign. It is led by the Hamas fan Adnan Hmidan.

See him justify the 7 October atrocities just after they happened. 1/8 "People remember the occupation is what started the war, not the resistance in Gaza.”

“It’s natural that there is a response, that the resistance starts liberating the occupied lands.”

“And it’s normal that they're running away. If it was their land, then they wouldn’t.” 2/8 Image
Apr 8 6 tweets 2 min read
On 8 October, all of us could see the hideous crimes of Hamas.

In Birmingham, some reacted to the worst massacre of Jews since the Holocaust with joy, expressed at a protest *against* Israel before it had even counted its dead.

“I am very happy, I am very happy!” 1/6 This man spoke for the Muslim Association of Britain, a nasty Islamist outfit that organises the hate marches.

He got an early start.

“We are gathered today in solidarity with the right to resist." "We are supporting any human being trying to resist.” 2/6
Mar 31 10 tweets 7 min read
How much hatred can be shown in just one day? Consult the London experts, out and about protesting yesterday, and know them by their favourite themes.

First, that ever trusty cudgel: Holocaust memory abuse.

It’s one of the most disgusting things one can do. So they do it. 1/10

Over and over again.

The creative combine the abuse with monsters and demons imagery. Two examples are shown here. 2/10
Mar 10 4 tweets 2 min read
Meet the “Palestine Solidarity Campaign” in Leeds.

Yesterday, this thug dressed up like an Islamic State executioner hurled abuse at a lone pro-Israel protester.

"Terrorist supporter!" "You've got no say!" "You are a Zionist dog!"

And he’s just getting warmed up here. 1/4 A few minutes later:

"You will have an end also!"

"You are the devil!"

"You are evil!" 2/4
Jan 15 9 tweets 7 min read
What does a hate march look like?

Scenes from Saturday's "Palestine Solidarity Campaign" (PSC) protest in London will show you.

First up, Nazi slurs. It's the most abysmal abuse. So it's a perennial favourite. 1/9

And I do mean a favourite. Yet more slurs.

One of them managed to get a demon swipe in too. More on that later.

The PSC says it opposes Nazi slurs at its marches. It lies. 2/9

Dec 19, 2023 9 tweets 4 min read
First the hate speech, then the ludicrous denials.

The Mahmud Sabir - Al Furqan mosque in Birmingham, a registered charity, told The Telegraph a few days back that it "refutes any claim of promoting hateful messages".

Oh really? See for yourself. 1/9
telegraph.co.uk/news/2023/12/1… The article covered a talk at the mosque by Abdullah Saif, Midlands and Wales manager for the Islamist pressure group MEND.

Is Gaza a “concentration camp”? No. It was. But now it is an “extermination camp”.

And this in a talk on the best “language” for the war. Yes, really. 2/9
Dec 18, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
If you prefer your Israel hatred raw and crude, try Glasgow.

Last Saturday, Yvonne Ridley told a hatred rally “the Israeli lobby owns the US presidents”.

Our Prime Minister and Keir “Scum” Starmer have also been “bought and paid for”.

Hamas is “part of the solution!”. 1/6 Mick Napier of the “Scottish Palestine Solidarity Campaign” is perhaps Scotland’s most repugnant antisemite.

Yet even he seems a bit put off by the hideous Hamas atrocities. Bouncing back, he rants about Israeli “lies”.

Israelis raped? Nah. He "stands for the truth". 2/6
Dec 10, 2023 9 tweets 4 min read
“We have worked extremely hard to bring people together”

There’s much to say about Leicester, but let’s focus on one simple point. Some in the city work “extremely hard” to drive people apart.

One of them is Muhammad Sindhi, an imam at the Umar mosque.

See how he does it. 1/9 In a sermon last month, he scolded Muslims who "love" politicians when "Allah is saying they don’t love you at all".

Even if they agree with you, don’t buy it. When you're out of the room, “they start biting their fingers with rage. This is what they do behind your backs.” 2/9 Image
Dec 2, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Pity the fundamentalists of the Darussalam mosque in Southall.

Muslims want to protest. But there's ”free mixing with women”!

You may even end up next to “a guy who takes it in the backside at night”.

Oh no! Allah will see and deny victory to the Muslims.

Life is tough. 1/5 This is serious!

"Allah brings down governments when men and women start free mixing. Allah destroys the government. Allah destroys the country. Allah destroys the people. ... They collapse."

"You can see why the West is going in a direction that is quite interesting.” 2/5
Nov 16, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
The "Palestine Solidarity Campaign" claims it opposes Nazi slurs and does not want them at its protests.

Now see its rally outside Parliament last night.

Gaza is "the largest concentration camp ever known in our modern day history" and "the largest open execution camp". 1/6 The Labour NEC member Mish Rahman was there too.

He accused Israel of committing "genocide" and invoked Srebrenica. 2/6
Oct 30, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Earlier today, the Manchester Labour MP Afzal Khan criticised the Home Secretary for calling anti-Israel protests "hate marches".

"Disingenuous" and even "dangerous", he sniffed.

Well, what do you call this, in his own city?

The 7 October atrocities "inspired the world". Here, on the day after the atrocities, when their barbarity was already known, the banners read "Manchester Supports Palestinian Resistance" and "Glory To Palestinian Freedom Fighters".

The ritual chant for Israel's annihilation rings out.

Sounds a bit "dangerous" to me.
Oct 29, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
The shameful stories finally reaching the media.

Just granting asylum to dangerous Islamists no one else wanted hasn’t been enough for the UK.

No, have passports too. And broadcasting licences.

Even now, almost nothing is being done about all this.
thetimes.co.uk/article/4e7b8f… Diplomats, law enforcement and security officials in allied countries have looked on our laxity with horror since the 1990s. What was happening here was a threat to them too. Approaches were made and action was urged.

The concerns mostly earned shrugs.

And here we are. Image
Jul 15, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
What does the world look like to the trade union Unite?

Going by its conference motions, one of the biggest problems of all is “apartheid Israel”.

Target it for boycott activism, not proposed for any other nation on earth.

Say nothing at all about Palestinian terrorism. 1/4 Image Accuse Israel of “ethnic cleansing”.

Have nothing to do with the Israeli union Histadrut.

Send “delegations”.

Support the “Palestine Solidarity Campaign”, a home for antisemites and open supporters of the terrorist murderers of Israeli civilians. 2/4
May 30, 2023 9 tweets 3 min read
A new cheer for beleaguered Roger Waters from Louisiana!

It's David Duke, far right hyper racist and former KKK Grand Wizard.

“Go on the offensive”, he urges, against that “proxy war caused by Jews”.

This is not the first time. Duke has quite a soft spot for Waters. 1/9 Image In a lengthy conversation with the British fascist Mark Collett last year, Duke called Waters “another interesting guy who has really condemned Zionism” and “really exposed Israel”.

Respect! The “loved musician” has "suffered a great deal because of that”. 2/9 Image
Mar 20, 2023 9 tweets 4 min read
Abdul Qadir Naushahi is a senior imam at the Swafia mosque in Wakefield.

Here he is on the left, taking part in the notorious shaming session for children who “scuffed” a Qur’an.

Move on for a moment from "scuffing". What about, oh, assassination, what does the imam think? 1/9 Image “Hurrah!”

Here he is at a conference honouring the “warrior” and "martyr" Mumtaz Qadri, the fanatic who shot dead the Pakistani politician Salman Taseer.

Taseer's "crime"? He had criticised Pakistan’s benighted blasphemy laws.

Sing for the assassin! 2/9
Mar 20, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Note that these Khomeinists are proudly unepentant. That alone makes a strong case for the closure of the Islamic Centre of England, a London lair of the regime that is crushing its own people and arming Russia.

They and the Centre will not change. 1/5
thetimes.co.uk/article/9cbd0d… “I do think that 9/11 was an American false-flag operation to justify war in the Middle East,” he said, before comparing western powers to Nazi Germany for using propaganda to “further their proxy war against Russia through Ukraine”.

- Ahmed Haneef

Filmed at the Centre: 2/5
Mar 1, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Another ugly scene from the Wakefield mosque humiliation session, which was backed by the police.

Akef Akbar, an independent councillor and self-appointed arbiter here, dismisses death threats to a child as nothing more than "passions flaring", echoing the mosque's imam. 1/5 "To her credit", Akbar adds, the "rightfully expelled" boy's mother does not want to press charges.

While he and the mosque persecute children.

Another awful scene. Akbar actually "tested" the traumatised boy on his knowledge of Islam when he visited him at home. 2/5
Nov 21, 2022 8 tweets 4 min read
"We made him feel so unsafe he had to be escorted off campus by the police!”

Something to be proud of?

Yes, if you’re Yahya Abu Seido, billed as a speaker by the Islamist student group FOSIS on this tour with the terrorist support group Cage and the political outfit MEND. 1/8 Here he is earlier this month, boasting at a Cage event about abusing the Israeli politician Hen Mazzig and the people who attended his talk at UCL.

“We achieved our purpose!”

“There is nothing to apologise for” and “we didn’t do anything wrong”, he went on to add. 2/8
Nov 21, 2022 10 tweets 4 min read
"Don't take matters into your own hands. But in the British state we want, those found guilty of being Muslims will be lashed or stoned to death."

Those words would spark outrage, and rightly so.

Now see the Nottingham imam Husnain Yaqoob promote just this for homosexuals. 1/10 The clip is from his sermon last Friday in response to the controversy at the Wood Green Academy in Wednesbury.

For Yaqoob, the “mental illness” of “vile and disgusting” homosexuality is so bad that even someone making a false "gay boy" accusation should be punished. 2/10