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May 14, 2021, 52 tweets

Britney’s love for cars has been mentioned as one of the reasons why a Conservatorship is needed.

Noticeably only two cars are mentioned in the first Conservatorship accounting from 2008, a 2001 Porsche Boxter and a 2002 Lexus SC 400.

At the time, it is known she had 7 cars in total, including a Mercedes SL 65 and a CLK 350, a convertible Mini Cooper and an Audi, but they do not appear in the 2008 accounting.

Remember how in March 2008 James received approval from the Court to sell some of Britney’s 7 cars because it was too expensive to maintain them and selling them “will save substantial expense”?

Let’s see what he actually did.

In 2009, the accounting mentions several other cars, some clearly used by her family.

We see for the first time the total automobile expenses amounts to $344,381.11, which includes the acquisition of new vehicles totalling $181,748.00. 

That’s an odd way to save money.

The 2002 Lexus, 2001 Porsche Boxter in addition to an unknown Mercedes model and a 2005 Mercedes are now listed under “Family Support”.

The 2007 Mercedes is sold and 2 other cars are bought.

This is the first time we see the 2008 Cadillac Escalade mentioned in the accounting.

An unknown Ferrari model (probably the 2004 one), a 2008 Mercedes and the sold 2007 Mercedes are also mentioned.

In “Licenses & Fees” we see the registration of the 2008 Cadillac Escalade and a 2004 Ferrari.

But more interestingly, we see a 1999 Mercedes located in Louisiana and the mention of the 2 purchased cars (a 2009 Mercedes and a 2010 BMW) and a 2002 Golf Cart.

A 2003 Land Rover is mentioned and we see again the sale of the 2007 Mercedes.

Brintey´s Conservatorship purchased 3 vehicles in 2009, including one brand new Mercedes and a BMW. 

One year in the Conservatorship we can already ask if this truly benefits her estate.

So according to James, in March 2008, 7 cars was too much. 

But Britney ended 2009 with 9 cars (not including the sold 2007 Mercedes and the Golf Cart).

Total automobile expenses for 2010 amounts to approximately $60,000 (apologies for the bad quality). 

Sadly, we do not have the detailed expenses for this year.

Total automobile expenses in 2011 amount to $64,928.06.

Noteworthy in the 2011 accounting, are the “Louisiana vehicles''. 

While someone in a Conservatorship is said to be unable to provide for themselves, Britney can & does support her family.

The lease on the 2008 Cadillac Escalade ended and a 2011 Cadillac Escalade and a 2008 Golf Cart were added.

A 2008 Golf Cart was bought in 2011.

At the end of 2011, for the first time Britney had less than 7 cars: 

6 (not including the 2 Golf Carts and the 2008 Cadillac Escalade with the ended lease), assuming the 2005 Mercedes, 2002 Lexus and the 2001 Porsche Boxter were sold in 2010.

In the 2012 Accounting the purchase of a *2013* smart car is mentioned.

Why does Britney need yet another car?

In the Insurance costs we can see that several of Britney´s cars had been sold.

Total automobile expenses for 2012: $110,964.32.

First, let's see the sales. The 2008 Mercedes, 2010 BMW and the 2004 Ferrari were sold. The 2002 Golf Cart was sold too.

But in return, a 2013 Brabus Smart Car Cabriolet, a 2012 Jaguar and a 2012 Golf Cart were purchased.

At the end of 2012, Britney had 5 cars (not including the Golf Cart and the sold ones). 

The 2008 Golf Cart and the 1999 Mercedes don’t appear anymore.

While only $506.75 of fuel costs are included in the Cship accounting, $65,217.01 automobile expenses are mentioned. 

These are pretty high costs for someone who barely seems to drive.

In addition to all the other cars from the previous year, a 2013 Range Rover is mentioned.

Cars in 2013. ⬇️

The accountings for 2014 and 2015 are sealed. So we sadly can't see what the car situation looked like here.

In 2016 the gap between fuel costs and car costs gets even more absurd. 

$29.71 fuel costs are part of the $111,461.38 automobile expenses. 

If Britney barely drives, why does she need to pay $35,472.12 for Lease Expenses? Is her estate managed in HER best interest?

2016 is an interesting year.

We have the addition of 2 ATVs.

A Maserati Gran Turismo, a GMC Yukon and a Chevy Tahoe are added.

A VW/Porsche is also registered (notice the $648.00 paid to TriStar for a VW/Porsche registration) and an unknown Mercedes model is also mentioned (besides the Smart one).

4 cars from the previous years don’t appear anymore, thus Britney had 7 cars at the end of 2016 (not including the Golf Cart and the ATVs).

In 2017 the automobile expenses started to be more heavily redacted, but we can still conclude that the total expenses were well above $200,000.

There is one purchase. Also preparing a vehicle for sale and a trade-in appear.

Lease for a GMC Yukon ($1,9K) and a Maserati ($1K) is listed.

We know these are for the GMC and the Maserati because the same amounts appear in the Accounting from 2016, where they are not redacted.

6 Tag renewals are listed as well.

2018 was also heavily redacted, but the total of the not redacted expenses still amounts to $79,039.15.

There is a "4 Factory AMG Wheel Reconditioning" listed. This is presumably for the 2009 Mercedes (G55) AMG.

2 Leasing fees 5%; 1 Lease return consultation; 1 Vehicle Purchasing Fee 5%.

The leases for the GMC Yukon and the Maserati were ended and 2 new leases with GM and Mercedes are added.

There are also 5 tag renewals and one registration.

In 2019 the lease expenses were redacted in the summary.

BUT they forgot to redact them in the detailed expenses.

You can also see the leases with GM and Mercedes were maintained.

There are also 9 tag renewals.

Our conclusions in regards to Britney's cars. 

#FreeBritney #BritneySwatTeam #EndTheConservatorship #EndConservatorshipAbuse

Automobile expenses from 2008 to 2019.

Missing are 2014 & 2015 (which are sealed). And 2017 & 2018 are partially redacted. 

The expenses come to over $1,169,925.54.

Automobile expenses by year. ⬇️

James basically stated in 2008 that 7 cars were too much - and they needed to sell / get rid of some cars. But during the conservatorship, Britney had pretty much the same number of cars.

Cars were sold but new ones were bought again.

Also it's Britney's money and she should be allowed to spend it like she wants to - even if it's on several cars. She earned it. 

You don't qualify for a conservatorship simply because you buy "too many" cars.

As a side note: a lot of celebrities have a bunch of expensive cars, motorcycles or even planes. 

Do they need a conservatorship too?

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