The Dark Fiddling Pirate Jussim Profile picture
Academic piracy here. Social science: Substack: Nothing here represents Rutgers.

May 15, 2021, 44 tweets

Thank you. The Orwelexicon has some...interesting...responses to critical (race, gender, sexuality, etc) theories, and the ideologically dogmatic forms of Applied Social Justice masquerading as scholarship.
Thread: The Orwelexicon Replies
1/n ending in END

First: The (De)Merits

Next: The Orwelexicon analyzes the tactics of Woke/dogmatic/authoritarian version of the intersectional critical theory left.

Social Psychologist Joe Forgas argued that ideologies induce collective delusions (slide below is his).

Shall we examine the...conditions...common among the dogmatic intersectional critical left?

The full Orwelexicon can be found here:…

It is not only about The Woke, and even many of the entries above do describe The Woke, they describe others as well.


The End.

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